Sky show

in Photography4 months ago

The week turned out to be shining – flash after flash in the sun, which generates disturbances in the magnetic field...what gives rise to the northern lights. I used to treat them with surprise, but Aurora has not stolen my attention so much for a long time to pay much attention to this phenomenon.


And these shots were taken simply as a report that the glow was still there that night.

And I was shooting a completely different place, which I will tell you about in another post.

I always want to make a spectacular shot with radiance.

But there is nothing in the field, not even the lonely graceful trees...just the bushes.

The magnetic storm was not strong – the flashes reached only a small part of the sky.

I, who have seen the maximum possible, am no longer interested in aurora, except to shoot something of my own, so that there is just a green glow on the background.

That's when the crown rises at its zenith, then we'll talk.

Although today they promise a sky show again.