I realized here that I write more in my life than I photograph. The beginning of my attempts to write down my thoughts were before the beginning of the photographic path, and even after I picked up the camera, I kept my diary not on photographic topics at all.
So I'm a writer? Oh, don't cling to the word! Photographer – also sounds pathetic. Any self-determination will sound like that.
It's another matter if others call you that.
But you don't need to identify yourself in any way in life, let others do it the way they want.
When you call yourself something, that's it...you have decided, thereby setting yourself a framework.
You have to be nobody and everything at the same time! Reminder from the previous post: we don't belong to ourselves.
I realized this from my childhood! When you talk to one friend, you pick up all sorts of phrases from him, laugh like him and even walk like him. You talk to someone else and everything changes again.
But it's me. But someone also connects to me, imitates, copies something, adopts ...
...Let's go back to what I have been writing for a very long time and there is always a need for this.
This need has been particularly acute in recent years.
My inner world is expanding exponentially, as is the whole universe.
This requires the realization of your thoughts, you need to write them down somewhere!
There is not even such an acute question in photographing, as in writing descriptions to the photographed.
But look, for the umpteenth time I'm writing something that absolutely does not apply to the pictures shown.
It turns out that the photo does not always coincide with the thoughts that I embody in the text.
And is the whole photo directly related to the person being photographed?
Here is something photographed, and what was I thinking about at that time? Was it always about the subject or the subject of the shooting, or were my thoughts somewhere else at that time?
Or maybe my gaze has caught on some forms that an ordinary person will not see in ordinary life?
Or maybe some kind of unconscious is working through me, which sends me and not only all sorts of images.
And if I saw something of my own in some picture, it does not mean that others will see the same in it.
If we proceed from the fact that we do not belong to ourselves, it turns out that the visual set that I captured is different for everyone and works differently to everyone. One sees one thing, the other sees another. I capture only what my consciousness, which consists of all of you, has seen, because there is a part of each of you in me. Some of you helped me see something, and some of you helped me create this text.