Spotted plot of life

It's good to keep a blog diary - you can read posts from two or three years ago and catch yourself on something. Of course, if I thought so at that time, then by that time that truth was applicable. Now I think a little differently, and that truth from the past does not work.


Many people say that everyone has their own truth and they will be right. But alas, the truth is the same for everyone.

All of us, uniqueness, think that a person is equal to a separate universe, but for some reason we live according to the general laws of nature.

But man is also a part of nature and his soul, thoughts, feelings and sensations – everything was created by nature (system, universe, God, it whatever you want, it's the same thing).

And this means that if the laws of nature are the same for everyone, then they can be considered as the source code as well as the truth.

So it turns out that a person is not equal to a separate universe, but still lives in one common to all.

And obeys one truth, that is, the laws of nature.

And we confuse individuality with a simple filter or a prism of perception.

Everyone sees differently, but if he really sees, then the truth in this can be seen.

If all magic films, fairy tales, philosophy are brought to a common denominator, then the same thing is said everywhere.

And the one who really feels the truth at least a little, he will see it everywhere the same.

And the one who really feels it will know for sure that this is it.

These are the paradoxes.