
in Photography3 years ago

As soon as I became interested in photography, almost immediately the idea arose to take a series of photos from the same point, but at different times of the year. This is how I shot the view from the window of my house on film for many years. Then I photographed the view of the lake and the village. All these pictures were taken deliberately. But the next selection arose quite spontaneously, or rather, I found repeating species from the same point.

This is the Red Bridge in Vologda.

View of the October bridge, ships and St. Sophia Cathedral.

When you do not take such pictures on purpose, then it is twice more interesting to search for them in the archive, to select and identify the most interesting ones.

Many shots differ in their composition.

The reason is again that by pressing the button, I had no intention of repeating the previous shot.

Of course, I knew that this was not the first time I had photographed the same view, but somehow the thought did not arise at all that in a couple of years it would look like an interesting series.

In principle, it makes no difference whether such shots were deliberately taken or not.

This cannot affect the result in any way, although if consciously, then even better.

I already have a lot of such places in my collection, which were filmed at different times from the same point.

Somewhere there were even those that reflect changes in the landscape over several years.

But the best series will still be the view from the window of my house.

Since it reflects changes over many years and they are very significant.

Such series always begin unconsciously, spontaneously, but then continue with a specific goal, so it is impossible to trace what the next species will be like.