Street Photography in NYC

in Photography11 days ago

Oh how I've missed this. Just a place where I can share what I see and the freedom to write about it. My last post was two years ago. Sharing images of black and white. Since then, so many things have happened. Periods of picking up the camera but also putting it down for a time.

I am most inspired when I venture away from home. Partly because I am uninspired where I live. But the other part is not feeling free enough or rather, invisible enough where I can feel my true and comfortable self. Where do I feel that way one may ask? Well, I guess I'm still searching for that. In all likeliness, that place probably only exists within myself. But there are places that bring it out in me. Being lost in a city where no one knows your name. Or being completely surrounded by nature with no human in sight. These places inspire me. Either the business and anonymity or the solitude and sounds of nature. Away from the sounds that mankind has filled this world with.

Well, since my last post, I picked up a 35mm camera. At first, a borrowed camera and a gift of a roll of film or two to see if I really liked shooting film.

I must admit, I do enjoy it. I enjoy the pace of shooting. I also like not knowing what I have until it's developed. With digital, it's about taking the shot, adjusting, taking again trying to get it just how you like it. But with film, you put forth your best effort for the environment you're in, wait for the shot and see what happens.

I've gotten rolls back (as I do not have a dark room or develop at home at the moment) that I have been very pleased with. Reflecting on the memory of the shot, the sights, sounds, smells, emotions at the time.

Here is a selection from a recent trip to New York. Enjoy and feel free to ask me questions!















Thank you for paying a visit. Feel free to ask me questions. All of these images were shot with a Pentax LX on 35mm Ilford film with both 49mm and 135mm Pentax lenses.


Nice shots 👍 definitely get the feel of the streets of NY

Thank you. NY has so many different ways it presents itself.