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RE: Swimming in paradise

in Photography5 years ago

It used to be reasonably remote but its on the tourist trail now. You still have to walk a long way and there are lots of waterfalls. We had this fall to ourselves, these were some friends I was traveling with. If you ever go to see the thai section of the Burma railway and the the bridge over the river kwai its not too far from there.


It's a pretty cool place and sounds like the journey there is just as good! I'd love to do the Burma railway thing someday, just from the perspective of being a passionate war historian and Aussie. Plus there's obviously some amazing natural wonders in the area. Someday...When the flu lifts.

Yes its very much worth going to. The commonwealth graveyard there is very well maintained. My wifes grandfather spent some time there as a POW before being moved to the main camp in Changi. I did a bit of war history travel in my late teens / early 20s looking at various places Australians had been fighting (Thai Burma railway, El Alamein in Egypt, Lots of sites in Vietnam, some places in Malaysia, Korea). The history of it is all quite fascinating to me. What they put up with is a bit of a contrast to people complaining in the pandemic about not being able to go to a restaurant for a month or two.

I actually went to the El Alamein site looking for a grave of my grandmothers fiancé who died there. Was quite weird to finally find it, it is in quite a hostile part of the desert and was a multi day mission to get there. Then it was difficult to find the headstone and we almost gave up. We did eventually find it right on dusk. Strange feeling as if he had not died there I would not have been born. But he was killed in action, and so my grandmother eventually ended up marrying another returned soldier who had been fighting on the Kokoda track (who was my Grandfather). She never got to see his grave; so part of my mission was to bring back a photo of it for her. She said she wanted to go but a flight to Egypt in 1946 was 45 pounds, which was a years salary for her at the time as a nurse . She never really forgave herself for not going. Different times. From there we continued further into the desert, past the oasis of Siwa, and on towards the Libyan border to where I took that shot that gave you nightmares in the sea of sand.

I love that story even though it's a little sad she didn't make it there. You did though and so that's something I guess.

I've been to the Western Front in Belgium and France, Vietnam and trekked the Kokoda Track which I have written about. Very moving experiences and ones that I would recommend all Aussies to do.

It's really odd for me to hear people say that, given copious amounts of money, they wouldn't know what to do with it...No matter how much I had I would never run out of places to visit, things to learn and experiences to have. The sort of stuff you mention above. We're given so little time here on the planet and even if I spent my entire life seeking out these experiences I think I'd never have enough time to do all that I would like. Of course, I don't have copious amounts of money either, which limits me somewhat.

Of course, I don't have copious amounts of money either, which limits me somewhat.

Sadly the time it takes to get copious amounts of money defeats the purpose of getting it . Could not agree more with your sentiment however. Life is nothing but experiences to live though and remember. Sometimes it can be hard to see that. Even this time we are spending in lock-down trapped on a yacht worrying about where we are going to sail for hurricane season will hopefully one day make a good story. It is certainly changing who I am psychologically; for better or worse.

Hmm, sounds like you guys have some big decisions to make. I hope you work it out. We had a couple sail home last week after weeks at sea, unable to find a place willing to take the. It all worked out and their marriage is still intact.

I hope you guys work it out and find somewhere to lay up...I'm hoping you find a deserted island...And find hidden pirate treasures! That would be a post I want to read about.