Coconut fruit has many benefits for human life. For households, coconut fruit can be made into coconut milk as a seasoning for cooking sauce. Apart from that, coconuts can also be processed into ingredients for making bauk cakes, in the form of coconut milk juice or the contents that are used.
This is a picture of a very old coconut (U riek, Aceh language). The shape of the fruit skin is very wrinkled with the color changing to a brown color from the usual green color. If it is stored for too long, then this very old coconut fruit will grow shoots and will become the next seed.
This coconut tree trunk grows not too high. He only has a height of 6 meters. This coconut tree grows in the yard of the house on the right side of the land. This coconut fruit has a size that is quite small from the size of the usual coconut fruit. Due to the small size of the fruit, this fruit bears a lot of fruit in one cluster.
This is a picture of a coconut that is like in general. The shape is round with a green skin color. Coconut fruit like this is very suitable for the process of making all kinds of cake foods. The aroma of the fruit juice is still quite fresh even though it's not like the taste of young coconut in general.