[ENG-SPN] I like it when you shut up / Me gusta cuando callas

in Photographylast year


The late Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, said in one of his most famous poems, a phrase that I often remember, every time, that, moving away from the routines of everyday life, I enjoy that beneficial change of scenery, getting lost in the intricate corners of that other Spain, the rural and quiet one, whose media idiosyncrasy already turns out, in itself, to be an excellent poem: I like it when you are silent, because you are as if absent.


Absence, in this case and of course, in my opinion, is nothing other than that powerful state of stillness and silence, which, obviously saving all distances, we can consider the most similar to Nirvana, where time and space are diluted and where only the contemplative pleasure of vision remains, which leads us to suppose that it is only on the borders of the humble that the doors of eternity are truly located.


Decía el malogrado poeta chileno, Pablo Neruda, en uno de sus más célebres poemas, una frase que suelo recordar con frecuencia, toda vez, que, alejándome de las rutinas del día a día, disfruto de ese beneficioso cambio de aires, perdiéndome por los intrincados rincones de esa otra España, la rural y quieta, cuya mediática idiosincrasia ya resulta, de por sí, todo un excelso poema: me gusta cuando callas, porque estás como ausente.


La ausencia, en este caso y por supuesto, a mi entender, no es otra cosa que ese poderoso estado de quietud y silencio, que, salvando, obviamente, todas las distancias, podemos considerar lo más parecido al Nirvana, donde el tiempo y el espacio se diluyen y donde sólo permanece el placer contemplativo de la visión, que nos induce a suponer que no es, sino en las fronteras de lo humilde, donde verdaderamente se localizan las puertas de la eternidad.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



I think changing daily routines is usually helpful because it helps you to be versatile and also be familiar with different things

I believe that a change of scenery, getting away from daily routines for a while, is not only beneficial but also necessary. We are flesh, but also spirit. And both one and the other always need our attention.

There is so much power in silence that we are not aware of that only if we can key into it

Silence can sometimes be the best medicine for the soul.

I will like to visit this place someday

Maybe you'll have the chance to do it one day. You already know that, as has always been said, life takes many turns: you know where you are today, but not where you can be tomorrow.

I'm the, type that enjoys silence too and I believe it helps heal our mind and emotions. The building you've shared look pretty impressive, I wonder which part of Spain they are located in? Have a great day.

Sometimes the greatest truths are hidden behind the longest silence. It is the old church of a small town in Castilla.

Happy Sunday, my friend