Nothing is eternal, not even those syllogisms of bitterness with which a modern philosopher, Cioran, reincarnated as Goethe's young Werther, thinking that life is reduced only to a sea of tears and lamentations. As that good man, who, deep down, was the poet, Antonio Machado, said, everything passes and everything remains, regardless of whether our destiny is precisely that vain utopia of making roads over the sea. In the end, what remains is that retrospective look, in the form of memories, that constitutes the balance of what we have experienced and therefore, of what we are.
The kings also passed and their whims, I mean those ornamental and artistic elements that gave elegance to their exclusive gardens, artistically designed for their personal enjoyment, are now a cultural heritage, open to also be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of its state, condition and origin. Dreaming next to him is, likewise, recovering emotional experiences that remind us that, despite everything, life, as the brilliant Roberto Benigni showed us, is also beautiful.
Nada es eterno, ni siquiera esos silogismos de la amargura con los que un filósofo moderno, Cioran, se reencarnaba en el joven Werther de Goethe, pensando que la vida se reduce tan sólo a un mar de lágrimas y lamentos. Como decía ese hombre bueno, que, en el fondo, fue el poeta, Antonio Machado, todo pasa y todo queda, sin importar que nuestro destino sea precisamente esa vana utopía de hacer caminos sobre la mar. Al final, lo que queda, es esa mirada retrospectiva, en forma de recuerdos, que constituye el balance de lo que hemos vivido y por lo tanto, de lo que somos.
Los reyes también pasaron y sus caprichos, me refiero a esos elementos ornamentales y artísticos que dotaban de elegancia a sus jardines exclusivos, diseñados artísticamente para su gozo personal, son ahora una herencia cultural, abierta a ser disfrutada también por todo el mundo, sin importar su estado, condición y procedencia. Soñar a su vera, es, así mismo, recuperar vivencias anímicas que nos recuerden, que, a pesar de todo, la vida, como nos demostró el genial Roberto Benigni, también es bella.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.
Wow 😊 I love love this structure.
#hive #posh
Aside from the retrospective look, what remains is also the memories and the works of the people
The events, artworks and so much more
You dream so much, you are worth so much. Memories are important, all of them, without exception, even the bad ones, because they always help us to continue growing. Nature and Art inspire us, move us and generally bring out the best in us.
Wow! Beautiful
Thanks, friend
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