I wonder what Dickens would think, if, waking up for a few moments from his eternal sleep, he verified that his novel vision of the Trinitarian Christmas spirits, were abducted, centuries after his death, by another spirit, much more powerful and not friendly to the morality, as is the Spirit of Indifference.
[Me pregunto qué pensaría Dickens, si despertando por unos momentos de su sueño eterno, comprobara que su novedosa visión de los trinitarios espíritus de la Navidad, fueron abducidos, siglos después de su fallecimiento, por otro espíritu, mucho más poderoso y nada amigo de la moralidad, como es el Espíritu de la Indiferencia].
But it is also possible that our good Dickens did not raise his hands to his head, desperate and completely lost hope of one day seeing the layer of marble that covers adult hearts melt, if he did not notice something, barely perceptible to the rest, but so powerful, that it constitutes a dangerous enemy for Indifference: the innocence of a child.
[Pero también es posible que nuestro buen Dickens no se llevara las manos a la cabeza, desesperado y perdida por completo la esperanza de ver algún día derretirse la capa de mármol que cubre los corazones adultos, si no se diera cuenta de algo, apenas perceptible para el resto, pero tan poderoso, que constituye un peligroso enemigo para la Indiferencia: la inocencia de un niño].
While dozens of adults walked around him like ants, using metaphorical antennae to avoid tripping over the annoying homeless man who, desperate and kneeling, with his forehead kissing the freezing morning ground, asked for alms for the love of God, just a child seemed to be aware of its existence and, by default, the extent of its drama.
[Mientras docenas de adultos caminaban a su alrededor como hormigas, valiéndose de unas metafóricas antenas para no tropezar con el molesto indigente que desesperado y arrodillado, con la frente besando el gélido suelo de la mañana, solicitaba una limosna por el amor de Dios, sólo un niño pareció percatarse de su existencia y por defecto, de la extensión de su drama].
A child, possessing that first look: a clean, innocent look, which led him to turn around and look straight ahead at something so frightening and incomprehensible to him, that surely not even his parents, even knowing all the tales in the world, would they knew how to explain.
[Un niño, poseedor de esa primera mirada: una mirada limpia, inocente, que le llevó a darse la vuelta y a mirar de frente algo tan espantoso e incomprensible para él, que seguramente ni siquiera sus padres, aun sabiendo todos los cuentos del mundo, le supieron explicar].
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.

Beautiful city, hi @juancar347, what happened to that man who was prostrating?
Unfortunately, we live in a world of double morality. It is true, that there are many people in need, but it is also that there are people who practice medicine in their profession. This man (I won't be the one to judge which of the two categories belongs) is like that all year, but he makes these desperate gestures at a time of great tourist influx, such as summer or Christmas.
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When I have seen this kind of begging person in abroad, I felt so strange bwcause it is not like in my country.
I don't know what it will be like in your country, but I do know that this is inhumane anywhere in the world.