It is not as splendid or as famous as the Trevi Fountain, but there are also those who tempt Fortune and, letting themselves be carried away by the charm of ancient Celtic traditions, throw a coin into its calm waters and then make a wish.
[No es tan espléndida ni tampoco tan famosa como la Fontana de Trevi, pero también hay quien tienta a la Fortuna y dejándose llevar por el encanto de las antiguas tradiciones celtas, arroja en sus tranquilas aguas una moneda y a continuación pide un deseo].
I really do not know, if perhaps the Nymphs of the fountain take pity on the begging humans and intercede so that they get what they ask for or, on the contrary, they adopt the position that Bécquer used to describe in his legends, leading them directly to perdition.
[Realmente ignoro, si acaso las Ninfas de la fuente se apiadan de los humanos pedigüeños e interceden para que consigan lo que piden o por el contrario, adoptan la postura que solía describir Bécquer en sus leyendas, llevándolos directamente a la perdición].
Possibly, neither one thing nor the other and they simply remain on the sidelines and indifferent, contemplating like rapt guards, the beautiful white shapes of the beautiful neo-Romanesque church in front of them.
[Posiblemente, ni una cosa ni la otra y simplemente permanezcan al margen e indiferentes, contemplando como embelesadas guardianas, las hermosas y blancas formas de la preciosa iglesia neorrománica que tienen enfrente].
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.

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Are there coins in the water? The coins in Trevi Fountain are used for poors, I don't know whether still. Thus, is it the same with this fountain?
A coin is occasionally tossed here and I suppose there will always be someone to pick it up. In other places, such as churches and monasteries, coins are also thrown that are supposedly for the poor and for the parish.