[ENG-SPN] Of Romanesque Art in Asturias / Del Arte románico en Asturias

in Photography2 years ago


Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful exponents of Romanesque sculpture in the Principality of Asturias, we have it in the portentous crypt of the Holy Relics -transferred as late as the 11th century, from the misty peaks of Monsacro, where remained hidden since the time of the Arab invasion of the Iberian Peninsula - in that kind of small corridor, which is its anteroom, where the anonymous sculptors of the time left part of their unique knowledge, especially in the small details, which, in the end, they are always the most significant.


These, possibly, are more evident in the representations that are located on the bases or supports on which the main apostolic figures stand out, made with masterful skill, despite their linearity, it is also true, where we meet again with that other symbology , severely punished by the first Christian missionaries -including Saint Augustine himself- who make us speculate with that other type of knowledge, of a mythological and traditional nature, which formed the main part of the cults considered pagan -in fact, before being Considered as negative, this term referred to the villages of the countryside - or, failing that, pre-Christians.


Sin duda, uno de los más bellos exponentes de la escultura románica en el Principado de Asturias, lo tenemos en la portentosa cripta de las Santas Reliquias -trasladadas en época tan tardía, como es el siglo XI, desde las brumosas cumbres del Monsacro, donde permanecían ocultas desde la época de la invasión árabe de la Península Ibérica- en esa especie de pequeño corredor, que es su antesala, donde los anónimos escultores de la época dejaron parte de sus singulares conocimientos, sobre todo, en los pequeños detalles, que, a la postre, resultan siempre los más significativos.


Éstos, posiblemente, sean más evidentes en las representaciones que se localizan en las basas o soportes sobre los que destacan las principales figuras apostólicas, realizadas con magistral habilidad, a pesar de su linealidad, también es cierto, donde volvemos a encontrarnos con esa otra simbología, castigada duramente por los primeros misioneros cristianos -incluido el propio San Agustín- que nos hacen especular con ese otro tipo de conocimiento, de carácter mitológico y tradicional, que formaba la parte principal de los cultos considerados como paganos -en realidad, antes de ser considerado como negativo, dicho término hacía referencia a los pueblos del campo- o, en su defecto, precristianos.


NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property and, therefore, are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



Un paseo por los detalles fotográficos que nos llevan a pasear por muchos rincones de España de la mano de @juancar347. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazo.

Rincones que merece la pena visitar. Muchas gracias y otro abrazo de vuelta para ti.

hello do you still remember me? people who have helped before in 2021. I really miss you, it can be said that I stopped writing two months ago because I really can't pull hives from here.

After that, your post is trending, I congratulate you. You are indeed a natural photographer in bringing up history, somehow you can find the details of that story. Indeed, overseas does have great diversity to be raised and disseminated throughout the world.

Of course I remember you. I supported you in your beginnings and sent you a small remnant so that you could start publishing. Remnant, which, as you know, I have never claimed from you. I am sorry that you are disappointed and have stopped posting. Life is difficult for everyone. It is a long road, with its dangers, its setbacks and its inconveniences that must be overcome. And nothing better to do it than with a lot of effort, a lot of sacrifice and looking more to maintain a personal level and do a good job than for the rewards that can be received. If you only think about the rewards, you will never be truly free or happy. Whatever you do, I always wish you the best. a cordial greeting