[ENG-SPN] On the way to Potes / De camino a Potes

in Photography6 months ago


Hardly anyone pays attention to it, stranded in a fertile meadow, where no one seems to pick, either, the sweet fruits of some pear trees that feed the various families of birds that nest in the surroundings and take flight above the awe-inspiring peaks of some legendary mountains: the Europe Peaks.


Some mountains, which, in addition to sharing border prominence with Asturias, Cantabria, Palencia and to a lesser extent, with Leon, also share the stealthy passage of a history, where the anonymous and itinerant brotherhoods of medieval bricklayers were leaving an indelible mark of their skill and dexterity, sowing temples along the different pilgrimage routes.


On the outskirts of the charming village of Panes and at the beginning of that winding road that runs through the magnificent and dangerous La Ermida gorge, the old Romanesque church of Saint John of Ciliergo continues to watch time pass, indifferent, one might suppose, to times and people who barely know how to value it.


Apenas nadie la presta atención, varada en un fértil prado, donde nadie parece recoger, tampoco, los dulces frutos de unos perales que alimentan a las variadas familias de aves que anidan en los alrededores y levantan el vuelo por encima de las sobrecogedoras cimas de unas montañas legendarias: los Picos de Europa.


Unos montes, que, además de compartir protagonismo fronterizo con Asturias, Cantabria, Palencia y en menor escala, con León, comparten, también, el paso sigiloso de una historia, donde las anónimas e itinerantes cofradías de albañiles medievales fueron dejando una huella indeleble de su habilidad y destreza, sembrando de templos los diferentes caminos de peregrinación.


A las afueras del encantador pueblo de Panes y al comienzo, además, de esa tortuosa carretera que recorre el soberbio y peligroso desfiladero de La Ermida, la vieja iglesia románica de San Juan de Ciliergo, continúa viendo el tiempo pasar, indiferente, podría llegar a suponerse, a unos tiempos y unas gentes, que apenas la saben valorar.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



This looks like a secretive area but one will surely enjoy that Mountain View

Let's say that you are on one of the main paths that lead to that great adventure that is the Europe Peaks.

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

❤️ @idayrus suggested

Thank-you very much

Beautiful structure