[ENG-SPN] Rural architecture: essence and present / Arquitectura rural: esencia y presente

in Photography2 years ago


As well affirmed by that extraordinary pilgrim, who affirmed that all roads lead home, my admired Hermann Hesse, it is also true that everything has essence and therefore, present. This can be verified, possibly better, in those small rural communities, that, even forced, necessarily if not imperatively, to get hooked on the stirrups of that metaphorical carousel, which, deep down, we can come to suppose that it is life, they cling to, solidly, to his present, stubborn, however, not to lose his true essence.


This can be verified, above all, in that marvelous architecture, rural, yes, but also eminently traditional, which, even adapting to the demands of the times, continues to shine with the same splendor that it had in that distant yesterday when it was born, serving, with the same solid presence of a nanny, to countless generations, who lived, dreamed and returned to earth, always to the placid solidity of its indestructible foundations.


Como bien afirmaba aquel extraordinario peregrino, que afirmaba que todos los caminos conducen al hogar, mi admirado Hermann Hesse, es cierto, también, que todo tiene esencia y por lo tanto, presente. Esto puede comprobarse, posiblemente mejor, en esas pequeñas comunidades rurales, que, aun obligadas, necesaria cuando no imperiosamente, a engancharse a los estribos de ese metafórico carrusel, que, en el fondo, podemos llegar a suponer que es la vida, se aferran, sólidamente, a su presente, obstinándose, no obstante, a no perder su verdadera esencia.


Esto se puede comprobar, sobre todo, en esa maravillosa arquitectura, rural, sí pero también eminentemente tradicional, que, aun adaptándose a las exigencias de los tiempos, continúa brillando con el mismo esplendor que tuvo en ese lejano ayer que la vio nacer, sirviendo, con la misma y sólida prestancia de una niñera, a innumerables generaciones, que vivieron, soñaron y retornaron a la tierra, siempre a la plácida solidez de sus indestructibles cimientos.


NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property and, therefore, are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



This place actually looks like a place in my country
We call it the home of brown roofs
The pictures are so amazing
Nice one!

Who knows. C.G.Jungs did not speak in vain about the Collective Unconscious. Possibly, Architecture, deep down, derives from a common trunk from which all peoples have drawn.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Happy day, my friend and thanks for your visit