[ENG-SPN] Sacred architecture on the Silver Road / Arquitectura sagrada en el Camino de la Plata

in Photographylast year


Another of the masterful Benedictine monasteries that consolidated with its beautiful facilities the service of care and reception for travelers and pilgrims on their arduous path to Compostela and the supposed remains of the Apostle Santiago, is today a set of melancholic ruins, where not even time, with all its destructive power, is totally responsible, with most of the blame falling, on the contrary, on the conscience of men and their unbridled passion to eliminate everything beautiful, neglecting, with treacherous premeditation, the conservation of a Heritage, which , whichever way you look at it, it is, undoubtedly, a meritorious part of the heritage of Humanity.


Located, also, on that ancient Roman road known as the Silver Road and nestled in the heart of lands in Zamora that are already beginning to receive the strong caresses of the Atlantic winds, which, crossing the steep estuaries of Pontevedra, give strength and character to the vineyards of neighboring Orense, the ruins of the monastery of Saint Mary of Moreruela, reaffirm, with their masterful execution, that wonderful time, in which Architecture, always tending towards perfection, had solid sacred foundations.


Otro de los magistrales monasterios benedictinos que consolidaban con sus preciosas instalaciones el servicio de atención y acogida de viajeros y peregrinos en su arduo camino hacia Compostela y los supuestos restos del Apóstol Santiago, es hoy un conjunto de melancólicas ruinas, donde ni siquiera el tiempo, con toda su potencia destructora, es totalmente responsable, recayendo la mayor parte de culpa, por el contrario, en la conciencia de los hombres y su pasión desaforada por eliminar todo lo bello, descuidando, con alevosa premeditación, la conservación de un Patrimonio, que, se mire como se mire, es, indudablemente, parte meritoria de la herencia de la Humanidad.


Situado, también, en esa antiquísima calzada romana que se conoce como Camino de la Plata y enclavado en el corazón de unas tierras de Zamora que ya comienzan a recibir las fuertes caricias de los vientos del Atlántico, que, atravesando las escarpadas rías de Pontevedra, dan fuerza y carácter a los viñedos de la vecina Orense, las ruinas del monasterio de Santa María de Moreruela, reafirman, con su magistral ejecución, aquel tiempo maravilloso, en el que la Arquitectura, tendente siempre a la perfección, tenía unas sólidas bases sagradas.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



The monastery is a beautiful piece of architecture. I wonder why they allowed it to fall into disrepair, though it looks like it is over a century old. Thanks for sharing.

In Spain we have always suffered from this detachment towards our historical, artistic and cultural heritage. Unfortunately, we woke up late. So late that many of our most incredible wonders have been ruined or, what is worse, have been sold to other countries, which, paradoxically, have known how to appreciate them much more than those who only considered them old stones. That is why my desire to show and defend, as far as possible, that rich heritage that we still have and of which I, in particular, feel grateful and proud.

This place is really beautiful
Rome has fantastic buildings and I even see so many of them in Roman movies
Thanks for sharing

Well, the building is not Roman, exactly, although it does owe many things to Roman architecture, such as, for example, that great discovery that was the arch, which, precisely, also bears its name: Roman or Romanesque.

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Thank-you very much

These are really amazing pictures I must confess


This place is looking so beautiful and stunning. The photography is looking amazing 🤩

Unfortunately left to be lost, it was one of the most important monasteries in Spain and a relief for travelers and pilgrims, who, for centuries, directed their steps towards Galicia and by default, to Compostela.