[ENG-SPN] Supposed models of Templar architecture / Supuestos modelos de arquitectura templaria

in Photographylast year


For generations there has been speculation and, at the same time, generating intense and heated debates, about the foundations of a very special type of design, which defined, by nature, the fascinating model of a Templar architecture, whose rudiments, based on the elaborate techniques oriental and well learned by them during their stay in the Holy Land, were later imported to Europe, becoming part of a heritage complex, of eminently symbolic scope, which was characterized, mainly, by its unique circular or octagonal plan.


One of the main promoters of this theory, which, as I say, is not completely accepted and continues to raise many controversies, was the French architect, Violet le Duc, who, in addition to being known worldwide for having made one of the first restorations of the Parisian cathedral of Notre Dame also encouraged the recovery of the old Romanesque-Gothic architecture, promoting a fashion that developed in the main European cities, mainly at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.


Durante generaciones se ha venido especulando y a la vez, generando intensos y encendidos debates, acerca de los fundamentos de un tipo muy especial de diseño, que definía, por naturaleza, el fascinante modelo de una arquitectura templaria, cuyos rudimentos, basados en las elaboradas técnicas orientales y bien aprendidos por éstos durante su estancia en Tierra Santa, fueron importados posteriormente a Europa, pasando a formar parte de un conjunto patrimonial, de alcance, eminentemente simbólico, que se caracterizaba, principalmente, por su singular planta en forma circular u octogonal.


Uno de los principales impulsores de esta teoría, que, como digo, no termina de ser aceptada y continúa suscitando muchas controversias, fue el arquitecto francés, Violet le Duc, quien, además de ser conocido mundialmente por haber hecho una de las primeras restauraciones de la catedral parisina de Notre Dame, alentó, también, la recuperación de las viejas arquitecturas románico-góticas, fomentando una moda que se desarrolló en las principales ciudades europeas, principalmente a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



I remember reading about the exploits of the Knight Templars during the crusades against the infidels. The Templar Architecture theory seems to be true but there is no solid evidence to prove it. Nonetheless the Templars will be ever remembered for the brave acts they did in defense of the holy faith. Thanks for sharing and have a nice week.

That of the Templars was a truly interesting order, since it was they, in addition to many other things, who, as early as the 12th century, introduced innovative concepts to Europe, not only in matters of architecture, but also as creators. of modern banking and also, due to the form of its organization, concepts as modern as multinationals. As to whether this type of church is a Templar introduction or a model of purely Templar architecture, there continue to be many doubts and disagreements.

I love this type of design
Old thing area golden indeed
Looks very nice!

It is a truly curious, spectacular and very symbolic design, since among others, it incorporates the shape of the ambulatory based on the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem.

Wow this is a beauty of architecture. Truly the architectural work always make building look more beautiful

They are very peculiar constructions, the sight of which never leaves you indifferent.

I so much love how the building is constructed. So much money will have been spent on that I am so sure of that

It is a very peculiar form of construction, which draws powerful attention.

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