The late German soldiers oft the Civil War

in Photography27 days ago (edited)

Reenactment Boxberg Civil War USA.jpg In search of a déjà vu: These "German Rifles" company of the 1st Virginia Infantry regularly recreates battles from the US Civil War in Germany. Every year again the battle goes on...

It is April 18, 1864, and the troops at Fort Gray, a federal fortress very close to the town of Plymouth in South Carolina, are about to throw in the towel. One last rush, the men of the 1st Virginia know that. Then it will be done.

Once again. Every April, South Carolina is in Germany for a weekend, and every April there is shooting and fighting. Fort Gray is sometimes a detached house, sometimes a castle made of sandbags against the backdrop of the chimneys of the Boxberg power plant. As soon as the battle begins, everyone knows who will win.

But it goes on again.