lailai1027 cross-posted this post in Photography 2 years ago

Blooming Beautifully


In 8th grade, my friend Angela used to give me different kinds of flowers from their backyard or from the plants and bushes she saw from her way to our school every morning, because she knows that i love flowers. you know, it really felt great that those little things makes me feel that i am loved and that they really care about me. Being around with flowers gives the feeling of lightness and comfort, what more if you receive flowers every morning right? it was like all your problems and burdens that you were carrying will suddenly fade away.


HELLO HIVE! Happy Monday to all of you! i hope you're all doing well. Yesterday, when i was walking and wandering around our subdivision i saw that my mother's plants already bloomed their flowers! the colors are so pleasing to my eyes and it all looks pretty so i took some photos from my mother's plants so show it to you guys. Aside from the pictures, i also want to share to you the names and the classifications of this flowers but I'm not that familiar with them and i don't want to give you a wrong identification so to be more exact and to tell you the right classifications, i searched the internet to have more knowledge about it.




ixora coccinea also know as flame in the woods of jungle flame because of their bold colors, it is a species of the the flowering plant in the family rubiaceae. It originated in sri lanka and southern india. this flower can be found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. do you know that several parts of it are used for traditional herbal medicines? and it is also the national flower of suriname! in addition, do you guys know that you can sip the juice of santan? it's sweet! i used to pick santan flowers whenever i see one because i enjoyed making crown, necklace and bracelets out it if and of course, to sip it's juice! you should try it haha🤣🤣




Episcia is a genus of flowering plants in the African violet family, gesneriaceae. the ten species it contains are native to the tropical regions of sentral and south america. once you saw the leaves of episcia, you will automatically think that it is hard and rough because it's hairy, but it isn't! episcia's leaves are so soft and the flowers are soft and a little flappy too! aside from soils, you can also grow episcias in jars or containers filled with water, a clean water of course. you should change the water once a week and give them or expose them to medium light. you can also add a bit of plant foods so in that way, you will grow beautiful episcia in your home that you may use on your table, mantel or as a centerpiece!




Mayana is an branched—literally branched because it has many branches like a tree—fleshy, and annual herb, that is about 1 meter high. mayana's stems are purplish or greenish depending on the leaf's color and is 4 angled. it's leaves are variously blotched or colored, usually more or less hairy, can be 5 to 10 centimeters long, and in the most common form uniformly velvety-purple. hence, it is an herb that is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant. they are usually seen in gardens because of its beautiful and colorful leaves. just like the ixora coccinea, in the traditional medicine, mayana is used for pain, swelling, cuts, diarrhea and sore.




zephyranthes is a species of rain lily native to Peru and Colombia. they are widely cultivated as ornamentals and have become naturalized in tropical regions worldwide. like any other plants, rain lily grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. It does not blossom well in shade. like many species of zephyranthes, pink rain lily bulbs and all parts of the plants contain toxic alkaloids that can cause vomiting, convulsions, and death if ingested to you must be careful if you see this one, it might be pretty and cute but it can also cause you in danger.


it's really great to know about different flowers and plants isn't it? having a garden of flowers brings a welcoming atmosphere to everyone, it's very pleasing to the eyes. and also, your flowers could be a herbal medicines too! amazing right? you have a plants to decorate your backyard but it can also be helpful if you needed an medicine. well, you also need to be careful though, some of it might bring hart to you to so be more careful!

this will be the end of my blog, i hope you all like it!! have a great day ahead!!🥰💓💓