And here goes the second month 👹🍣🎎 Mein Japan

in Photography12 days ago


And another month comes to an end. And once again, I feel like everything has gone far too quickly. I know I'm probably repeating myself in this respect, as I apparently have this feeling all year round. I'm possibly like many other people who, like me, are gradually getting on in years. In the past, the days just wouldn't go by and we could hardly wait for the weekend to arrive. And now, without a break, we wonder where the time has gone.

With February, the second month of the year is already over, even though it feels like we've only just celebrated the turn of the year. For me at least, it is still very fresh in my memory, as if it had been a week or maybe two ago, rather than two months ago.

What has happened so far was largely predictable and not a big surprise. Everyday life and all the tasks at hand were completed with the usual routine, which in retrospect wasn't a bad thing. Every now and then it's nice not to always have to turn the big wheel and to be able to take it easy. The year always starts with a slight blues that you have to get a grip on first. And then there's the winter, which keeps people in our region in check and also limits my own scope. You might actually be quite happy about this, as you finally have a widely accepted excuse as to why you are standing still and not making any progress.

But we finally want to shake off winter and this week at least, it looks like we might succeed. Temperatures are going into double figures at the weekend, which gives us hope for March. Even if I personally would like to stay in February and winter for a while longer. A little break and laziness is good for me right now, and I would like to rest a bit more and just lean back.

Well, as there are bigger projects coming up again in a few weeks' time, it will be better to get back to business. The preparations are still far from complete and I hope that the mild weather will give us a fresh boost. There's a lot to do and if we do it right, we should actually have a lot of fun. At least in the second half of the month we'll have a pleasant change of pace, which we're all looking forward to.

However, I'd still like to take a look back at the last few weeks, when winter paid us a brief but heavy visit. There's not much left of it outside our front door, but when I go out of town, there are still some vivid reminders. To be honest, I enjoyed it too, and even when I'm ready for spring, I'll still have fond memories of winter....
