You remind me of a girl in a bus,
She was not sitting far from us,
I was only five,
She set the bar of beauty in my life,
I said “look Ma”,
She said “what is it my little star?”,
Look at that girl,
I was staring at this shining pearl,
I could not hold it in,
From there alit passion within,
A search for my soul mate,
A girl I am sure I had met,
I shouted aloud,
All eyes turned to me in the crowd,
“Ma she is gorgeous! “
Shyly she smiled at us,
My heart was taken,
Ever to seek that same connection,
Then I met you,
Alas, Ma was not there to ask who?
You must be her,
You saw the spark in my eye,
You must be her, that girl in that bus,
Who was not sitting far from us.
Poem written by Cephas