Tree Tuesday - Start of Spring

in Photography4 years ago

Here are what the trees are looking like for #treetuesday by @old-guy-photos

So far everything is looking gray and gloomy still now that the snow has melted.

The sky is still quite hazy and even though it is high noon it looks like its early morning out still.

There are signs of the spring coming out. I heard some spring peepers (tiny little frogs) chirping in the swamp area.

Try as I could I could not actually see these tiny frogs even though I heard them everywhere.

The lichen are the only real green thing out right now, but in a month tiny green buds will start appearing on all the branches.

For now all the trees are bare and create nice gloomy silhouettes.

The pathway leads to lots of empty trees. There are tiny bits of green grass appearing as well.

For the most part everything is still brown and dry.

Fortunately I found some mushrooms. These are turkeytail growing on an old log.

That's it for this #treetuesday


Beautiful view!

Finally starting to get nice around here now that the snow is gone.

Snow also has its own charm, but we are now rejoicing at the onset of spring :-)
Looking forward to seeing another beauty of nature ;-)

So very early spring-ish...

Soon the morels will be out. For now I'm just hoping for wood ear and amber jelly roll.