Frog umbrella photography

in Photography6 months ago

Good morning friends how are you all. Hope you are all very well. I'm fine too. Today I'm back with new photography. While walking around in the morning today, I saw some frog umbrellas in an alley. The umbrellas of frogs look very beautiful. So I captured them. I can see the frog umbrella very much.


Also known as frog umbrella or mushroom. Agaricus is a perennial fungus that grows in soil. It is a large, edible mushroom with a broad umbrella-shaped cap and a long, stout stalk. It is very nice to cook them.


Water-land In short, many types of fungi living in any environment suitable for living organisms are closely related to our daily life. There is not a single day in our life when we are not benefited or harmed by fungi in some way, directly or indirectly. Fungi living in large numbers in our environment play an important role through very slow and diverse biological changes. Not all fungi are harmful.


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