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RE: Gladiator final scene location | Val d’Orcia Tuscany Italy

in Photography7 months ago

I've not been to Tuscany. I expect filmmakers seek out places that have not been too spoilt by 'progress'. I wonder if the new Gladiator movie returns there.

It is fun seeing filming locations. We sought out some Dr Who ones in Cardiff and The World's End (with Simon Pegg) was filmed near here in Letchworth and Welwyn Garden Cities.

Have fun on your travels.


Yeah the UNESCO protection thing preserves places like this. Ideal location for a Roman movie.

Apparently the field system you see in the photos hasn't changed since the Roman era which is to incredible to be believed?
Sounds a bit farfetched to me. 😂🤷‍♂️

The landscape is very interesting and photogenic.