Despertar / Awakening (Photography) by @trinima.

in Photography3 years ago


Hola bella comunidad espero todos se encuentren de la mejor manera. Retomando la actividad en Hive, he decidido darle un poco de variedad a mi blog, que va desde lo educativo hasta lo mas divertido posible.

Hello beautiful community, I hope you are all in the best way. Resuming the activity in Hive, I have decided to give a little variety to my blog, ranging from educational to as much fun as possible.

Hoy después de varios días de mucho lluvia y clima cambiante en nuestra ciudad, el cielo amaneció claro, despejado y colorido, como invitándonos a despertar, así que tomé mi celular y salí a hacer algunas capturas de los regalos que nos ofrece la vida y la naturaleza y aquí se los comparto.

Today after several days of heavy rain and changing weather in our city, the sky dawned clear and colorful, as if inviting us to wake up, so I took my cell phone and went out to take some pictures of the gifts that life and nature offer us, and here I share them with you.


Me encantó poder conseguir en mi paseo esta combinación, vida y belleza, en cada una de estas gotas de agua existen mundo con mas vida que incluso la que podemos conseguir en una laguna y sostenida sobre el verdor de la naturaleza y la esperanza, me encantó.

I loved being able to get in my walk this combination, life and beauty, in each of these drops of water there is a world with more life than even we can get in a lagoon and sustained on the greenery of nature and hope, I loved it.


Este pequeño amiguito captó mi atención mientras pasa por el parque, siendo mesido por la brisa de un lado a otro, parecía que el estaba encantado paseando en el aire, libre.

This little fella caught my attention as he walked through the park, being breezed from side to side, it seemed that he was delighted to be walking in the air, free.


Y para finalizar nuestro recorrido entre colores, naturaleza y aventura, una miradita al inmenso cielo azul que cada mañana nos invita despertar y nos da esperanza para seguir día a día creyendo en el hoy y en el mañana.

And to end our journey among colors, nature and adventure, a glimpse of the immense blue sky that every morning invites us to wake up and gives us hope to continue day by day believing in today and tomorrow.


Gracias por acompañarme en este recorrido.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.


The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @trinima, we need your help! /