Last moment for swimming in the sea 10.09.2024.

in SEAPHOTOGRAPHY3 months ago

The weather has started to change and the cold winds are slowly coming. Autumn is at the end of summer, there are a few days left to swim in the sea.
My friend saw me on the beach and asked; 'What am I doing in the sea with this equipment?' I said photographed in the wall .
She asked me if I was willing for him to be photographed in the sea while he can still swim because the day is almost setting and the water is starting to get cold.
I answered, Of course, YES, it's not a problem, let's go right away.

the sun started to set and the water was beautiful with light waves and with my filter that moved out of place and I didn't have time to fix it because the water started to be cold but pleasant for this photographic adventure .

It wasn't easy for the ostrich either, she said not to pee on her head because she was cold, but she still relaxed and started

After warming up by swimming, she dived below the surface of the water

The sun began to release its rays over the clouds, and in the water, its setting made wonderful traces of rays in the sea .

Immersion in the sea and the black mark of my filter that is not in place and I turned out a good composition

The water is beautifully blue when it is not facing the sun, because the sun's rays change its color to yellowish green, this is how beautifully blue it is

I couldn't help myself because the rays of the sun are so beautiful to me and they really go well with her in the sea, they simply adorn her in her movements in the water .

After a while it started to get cold and they headed for the shore, Aona started swimming a little harder to warm up.

It is a little warmer a few meters from the coast in the sea

She stopped and started to get out of the water

She came out of the water and I followed her, and that's how this adventure ended.

the end of this interesting day with nice company, because the days that followed were getting colder and the winds were blowing stronger, so we used the last wonderful day for swimming and more underwater photography with the underwater setting of the Sun's rays.

The end of my work and the end of another adventure has come. A little summer feeling in these winter days and winter joys.

See you in some new adventure.