Do we know how to cure hunger ?
For 1/100 of what the coronavirus pandemic is costing, we could have eradicated poverty on earth. Hunger is killing millions of people every years. Do we know how to cure hunger ?
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- Nobody know how to organize the planet for a better wealth
- Solving poverty cost 80 billion only
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the easiest way - to remove fools from governments
Any idea to remove fools from governments ?
there are various options to implement this, and already "feed" the population - there are even more options, it would be someone to make decisions
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I have searched and I have read this. World without hunger costs $267 billion. The Food and Agriculture Organization wants to eliminate hunger worldwide within 15 years - and is demanding 267 billion dollars annually in return. Otherwise, hundreds of millions of people will still be starving in 2030.
It is quite difficult to know what will be the climate in 2030 and how we will grow food. Thank you for your input.
I was interested in how much the world's military spending is. I saw that according to, 1.82 trillion US dollars were spent in 2018 according to the source. So, according to this, we could actually save the world from hunger ...
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I've learn at primar school if we gave all only 50ct we could erase it...
We are more in and I think it will never finish. It's became a worldwide business.
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It is very simple. Annihilation of transfer of ancestral property, limiting the wealth and land and proper distribution of wealth can do it easily.
How do you implement these new rules ?
It is not a task of a single person. There must be a consensus among the people who are the worse sufferers.
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People are not only greedy and lazy but many are too lazy to work. Hundreds of years and billions are invested to help the poor. The result we see now.
It's easier to beg as to work is what African people literally told me and scam is a huge part of it.
Slaves has been sold to North American land owners because they were hard workers, not lazy. If you compute how much money has been stolen from Africa compare to what has been given back, I think the balance is not fair.
Life isn't fair. It's not fair either to blame those who live now for what happened a very long time ago. I always wonder if there's a life after this one... imagine you reincarnate and you were that person you despise now?
Each country, the government or people have an own responsibility. Countries once great and rich are now poor, far from educated and who's fault is that? What is left from once great Rome, Greek, Egypt, all those countries from 1001 night tales?
If you want something you need to fight and work for it. That's what my grandparents and parents did. Life is not fair I know all about it and I never begged, never scammed anyone. I paid my own studies and those for my children. The youngest will have less changes but that doesnt mean they will end up under a brdidge, will use drugs or robb someone. Neither will they ever blame someone else or an other nation for their misery.
Btw I am not white, neither is my father or are my grandparents. We are not stupid either. Or perhaps we are because we never manipulated anyone for the misery and discrimination they did to us.
Thanks for the chat. I know what you mean to say but life is not about being fair or paying back time. If we start with paying back the question is how far in history we will go back but also why African people started with the slavery and continued with it long after it was forbidden but also why slavery still exists.
I wish you a great day. 💕
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