CLOSED-Vote for your favorite (Digital Drawing Contest #8)

in dPoll5 years ago (edited)

CLOSED-Vote for your favorite (Digital Drawing Contest #8)

Hey hey! :)

First of all, many thanks to all participants for dedicating your time, passion, and creativity.

THEME OF THE WEEK: Juno (mythology)

Vote for your favorite entry and help decide who will be the winners:











Now, it’s up to you. Just access the poll on dPoll and vote for the next 24 hours.

  • All people (competitors or not), can vote for as many options as they want. One human, one set of votes.
  • Note that I will close the poll 24h after posting!
  • Make sure to cast your votes through dPoll using the link at the end of this post!

All the Best and Enjoy

Answer the question at
