Do you think more people will die of the effects of Coronavirus than the Coronavirus itself.
There's been loss of jobs all over the globe and hardships all around. Do you think more people will die due to the hardships than the virus
- yes
- No
- Don't know
- Time will tell
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The things you mention are not effects of an exosome. They are the effects of government response. Help Dr. Judy Mikovitz stop the scamdemic/plandemic.
All around the world economies have been affected in some ways no matter the government in charge.
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Interesting question. I think it is too early to tell.
Alright, we wait and see. Thank you for your comment.
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More people have died of suicide (the spike this year) then have died of flu, influenza, pneumonia and the Wuhan-flu all rolled into one (just so we don't miss any possible deaths).
Also what the MSM has done to scare people has reduced the life expectancy by 5 years.
In other words, the MSM has taken 5 years off of everyone's life.
Coronavirus really being hyped. I guess the rulers of the world benefit from it in some ways.
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