Model of the Week 36# - Vote and Win

in dPoll5 years ago (edited)

Model of the Week 36# - Vote and Win

Weekly Model Contest

Hello Model-Agency Community,

Welcome to the first round of our Miss September Contest. For the first time of this weekly Contest, it will be exclusively starting on the HIVE Blockchain. Only Models that are active on the HIVE-Blockchain have been chosen for the next four weekly rounds to elect our Model of the Month September. Fortunately, with the MakeUp Power Community (@hive-103678) owned by @mintdreams and moderated by @ambarvegas and @lucianav, there are more than enough talented models around on the blockchain to perform this contest. Everybody is invited to participate and to give his/her vote to his or her favourite. There are valuable prices to win and a lot of fun to gain (see rules below). Lets start with the fist weekly Model contest for HIVE!


The Models of the Week

No#1 @barbara.vzla

original Post

No#2 @sofiaquino98

original Post

No#3 @genesishealthy

original Post

No#4 @millyzev

original Post

No#5 @yulsy

original Post

No#6 @detachedsoul

original Post

No#7 @krisconkr

original Post

No#8 @ambarvegas

original Post

Rules for Models

  • Every week 8 models are chosen to compete for the model of the week contest
  • Models can apply anytime by tagging instagram-models or hive-151070 in their content
  • Models that post their content into the Model Agency Community (@hive-151070) are prefered partners and will receive bigger prices
  • only unique, real Model-Accounts are considered (no photographers posting their work for example)
  • by Modeling, it is meant that the self-presentation aspect is considered the major focus of the majority of the posts made by the author
  • participation is possible once per month
  • no NSFW content is allowed
  • the model with the most votes given in the comment section of the game post wins the contest (if the numbers are equal the Model with the most votes that received the earliest vote wins)
  • the winner will get the prices as indicated below and will participate in the Model of the Month Contest

Rules for Voters

  • voting is done by commenting on the post with the number and/or the name of the model
  • voting for more than one model is possible, but only in one comment
  • multiple comments will disqualify the user from the participation of the price draw
  • users with more than one account should only vote with one account (multi-account-voting will lead to disqualification if noticed)
  • members of the Model-Agency Community (hive-151070) are prefered partners and receive bigger prices (x2)

Prices for Models

  • Contest winners will receive 3 HiveBasicIncome shares (HBI) for Lifetime Upvotes by the respective services
  • Contest winners that are Members of the Model-Agency Community (hive-151070) will get 6 HBI

Prices for Voters

  • Out of all votes, one vote will be chosen using the Steem Random Winner Picker (or equivalent) from HIVE
  • the author of the winning comment on the HIVE platform will receive 1 HiveBasicIncome share (HBI) for Lifetime Upvotes
  • author of the winning comment that are Members of the Model-Agency Community (hive-151070) before the comment was made, will get 2 HBI

Answer the question at

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No #2 @sofiaquino98 🤗.

¡Vamos que siiiii!

No#2 @sofiaquino98 ❤️

Posted using Dapplr

No # 5 @yulsy

Voted for

Ok I got this... The choice is not easy, there are many beautiful users here. But I think I should vote for one so well, excuse me the others but I'll stick with @yulsy

Número 2 : @sofiaquino98. Que linda iniciativa.

Número 2 : @sofiaquino98. Muy bonita iniciativa.

Excelente iniciativa. Estás mis candidatas

N°8 @ambarvegas N°4 @millyzev

Voted for

She is beautiful, intelligent and creative

Voted for

Vote for #2 the miss @sofiaquino98

Voted for

Una belleza natural que inspira a ser contemplada

Voted for

My vote is for

No#2 @sofiaquino98 No#5 @@@@yulsy

Mi voto es para: No # 2 @sofiaquino98


Voted for

Voto por mi amiga @ambarvegas para destacar la ella natural, fuera de concursos de belleza.

Mi voto es por
N°2 (dos)
Todas estas niñas participantes son hermosas y tienen su ángel....pero ella (2) lapercibo muy especial!!

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