Was magst du gerne zum Frühstück? What do you like for breakfast?
Hallo guten Morgen liebe Freunde 🥰 Hello good morning dear friends 🥰
FROHE OSTERN für euch alle, puuh, gerade noch so geschafft 🙄😅. HAPPY EASTER to you all, phew, just made it 🙄😅.
Ich richte ein Frühstück her. Was mögt ihr gerne? I'm making breakfast. What do you like?
- Wasser Water
- Kaffee Coffee
- Malzkaffee Malt coffee
- Dinkelkaffee Spelt coffee
- Müsli Müsli
- Aufstrich Spread
- Mett Mett
- Semmeln Bread rolls
- Brot Bread
- Mohnbrötchen Poppy seed roll
- Eier Eggs
- Milch Milk
- Pfannkuchen Pancake
- Kaiserschmarrn Kaiserschmarrn
- Suppe Soup
- Tee mit Ingwer Tea with ginger
- Tee mit Kurkuma Tea with turmeric
- Kräutertee Herbaltea
- Krapfen Doughnuts
- Vegane Wurst Vegan sausage
- Snack Snacks
- Salat Salad
- Smoothie Smoothie
- Buttersemmel mit Knoblauch Butter roll with garlic
- Burger Burger
- Wurst Sausage
- Cola Cola
- Marmelade Jam
- Honig Honey
- Erdnussmus Peanut butter
- Käse Cheese
- Roter Bohnenaufstrich Red bean spread
- Ajvar Ajvar
- Bananen Bananas
- Torte Cake
- Veganbutter Vegan butter
- Nussnougatschokocreme Nut nougat chocolate cream
- Hafermilch Oat milk
- Erdbeerkuchen Strawberry cake
- Wurstsalat Sausage salad
- Pizza Pizza
- Tiramisu Tiramisu
- Granatapfelkerne Pomegranate seeds
- Beeren Berries
- Früchte Fruits
- Griesbrei Semolina porridge
- Butter Butter
- Semmel mit Erdnussmus und Banane Roll with Peanut butter and banana
- Semmel mit Aufstrich und Kräuter Bread roll with spread and herbs
- Joghurt Joghurt
- Avocado Avocado
- Ich mag noch was anderes
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Ich danke dir sehr, cst90. Früühstück gibt es, lass es dir schmecken :))
Voted for
Thank you, fredkese. Good morning, your breakfast :))
Looks sumptuous. Thank you
Most of it can be kept longer if you don't make it right away 😃
Thanks for letting me know
Voted for
Thank you, abbak7 :)) Coming soon, still need to buy bacon 😁
Maybe you never had,but American breakfast is one of the best and good thing that is there...it might be expensive for you to get bacon,but there's no substitute for that flavor...best breakfast is:2-3 eggs Sunnyside,3-4 strips of bacon, hash browns smattered with Chop onions and some Tabasco...is one of the best for the morning,don't matter if U rich or poor!
Breakfast is ready, abbak7 :))
You're right, I've never had this breakfast and didn't know this American breakfast.
I was lucky, the bacon was on sale, but the Tabasco is quite expensive, but it's great and lasts a long time :)
Really totally delicious 😋. I'm glad that I now know this American breakfast :)
Wowww ...you really did it!
I hope you liked it...
Thank you very much, abbak7 :))
Yes, I like this very much, it's totally delicious 😋.
I once bought hash browns at the shop and they didn't taste that tasty to me, so I wondered that these homemade hash browns with potatoes, onions and Tabasco are super tasty. In the upper recipe, I finished the eggs Sunnyside with the hash browns in the oven, but I shouldn't have turned on the grill, because the yolks got a bit hard and I think they taste better soft. So with the bottom recipe, I fried the eggs Sunnyside in the pan to keep them soft and then put them on top of the hash browns :).
Practice makes perfect...
Homemade hash browns are best,and there's many ways how to prepare it...
Have already found a recipe. Tabasco, ah yes, I need that too :))
How could I ever forget the imported (and expensive) "American Style Pancakes" I bought when I lived in Germany. It was wonderful to find a little taste of home in the most amazing country of Germany! :)
I'm glad :)) I looked it up right away,I've already found a recipe :)
Ah I see! Mine came in these small pancakes in this tiny package at the local Pennys store, but they tasted so good, just like home! I miss Germany, nothing to "fix" there, everything's already perfect. :)
Here are your American pancakes :))
Voted for
Thank you grider123 :)) Coffee only 😯🤔?
Yeah only coffee for me :D
A cup of freshly brewed coffee for you, grider123 :)) You must be hungry, I don't think you get full from coffee?
Thanks! I am usually not hungry in the morning so coffee is enough :-)
Voted for
Good morning, oadissin :))
It looks so delicious
Voted for
Thank you, jeffjagoe. Good morning, breakfast i made for you :))
Voted for
Good morning, akdx :))
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Ich begrüße meine Sorgen am Morgen mit Kaffee und einem Obstsalat.
Lediglich am Sonntag stehle ich dem Huhn ein Ei und schneide dem Schwein eine dünne Scheibe aus der Rippe. 😋😊
Makaber lustig 😂. Hoffentlich nur kleine Sorgen begrüßen, w74 :)
Danke 😊. Brauche noch genügend verschiedenes Obst :)
Guten schönen Morgen, w74 :))
Den Bacon muss man 3-5 Minuten durcherhitzen, den darf man nicht roh essen :)
Schönen Sonntag für dich 😊