Hive Music Festival Week 98 /Round 2 / "Sin remitente" cover by @alexlandy201 (Spa/Eng)

in Music Zone7 months ago


Hola mis amigos, esta vez les traigo una cancion del gran cantautor español Melendi, pero antes de hablarles de la cancion quiero comentarles un poco sobre este autor. Ramón Melendi Espina, mas conocido como Melendi, nacido en Oviedo, España es uno de los interpretes mas famosos de la peninsula Ibérica y el mundo, quien no ha escuchado al menos una de sus canciones, activo desde el 2001 nos ha dado clasicos como "Tu jardin con enanitos", "Destino o casualidad" el cual es su sencillo con mas vistas en YouTube, "Barbie de extrarradio" y la canciok que les traigo hoy "Sin remitente" perteneciente al album Por encima de la bruma, del año 2019 es una canción realmente emotiva, segun el autor es una triste despedida, que a pesaf de su naturaleza carece de amargura y dolor. A traves de sus versos el cantante español narra el final de una relación significativa, pero lo hace desde el agradecimiento y el crecimiento personal, dando a entender que aunque sea un adiós, no se despide de una relacion dañina sino de algo que va a recordar con cariño toda su vida. Para mi, esta cancion llegó en el momento justo, en aquel entonces estaba en una relación que llevaba ya 4 años, el desgaste y la convivencia habian hecho mella en nosotros, ya ambos sabiamos que no nos sentiamos igual, ya no estabamos enamorados, al escucharla ambos nos pusimos a llorar y supimos que ya no daba para más, decidimos decirnos adios, como los mejores amigos, manteniendo los mejores recuerdos y poniendole un punto final a la relacion antes de que hubiera algun problema mas grave, a dia de hoy recuerdo con mucho amor y emoción ambas cosas, la primera vez que la escuchamos y el ultimo beso que nos dimos. Sin mas que agregar, espero que mi interpretacion sea de vuestro agrado, perdonen mi voz, estoy un poco acatarrado. Abrazos.


Hello my friends, this time I bring you a song by the great Spanish singer-songwriter Melendi, but before talking to you about the song I want to tell you a little about this author. Ramón Melendi Espina, better known as Melendi, born in Oviedo, Spain, is one of the most famous performers in the Iberian Peninsula and the world, who has not heard at least one of his songs. Active since 2001, he has given us classics like " Your garden with dwarfs", "Destino o coincidence" which is her single with the most views on YouTube, "Barbie de extrarradio" and the song that I bring you today "Sin semitente" belonging to the album 10:20:40, from 2019 It is a really emotional song, according to the author it is a sad farewell, which despite its nature lacks bitterness and pain. Through his verses, the Spanish singer narrates the end of a significant relationship, but he does so from a place of gratitude and personal growth, implying that even if it is goodbye, he is not saying goodbye to a harmful relationship but to something that he will remember. with love all his life. For me, this song came at the right time, at that time I was in a relationship that had been going on for 4 years, wear and tear and coexistence had taken their toll on us, we both knew that we didn't feel the same, we were no longer in love, at the same time Listening to it, we both started to cry and we knew that it was no longer enough, we decided to say goodbye, like the best friends, keeping the best memories and putting an end to the relationship before there was any more serious problem, to this day I remember With a lot of love and emotion both, the first time we heard it and the last kiss we gave. Without further ado, I hope my interpretation is to your liking, forgive my voice, I have a bit of a cold. Hugs.


Me despido de ti
I'm saying goodbye to you.
Y lo hago sin dolor, aunque te quiera más que nunca
And I do it painlessly, even if I love you more than ever
Ya sé que se acabó
I know it's over.
Terminaron nuestras charlas repartiéndonos la culpa
They finished our talks handing out the blame
Me aferré a lo que me diste porque valiente me hiciste
I clung to what you gave me because you made me brave
Y, aunque a veces, se nos fuera de las manos
And even though sometimes it's out of hand
Tú fuiste quien me enseñó a creer en mí
You're the one who taught me to believe in myself.
Aunque puede que ese "en mí", no siempre fuera el acertado
While that 'in me' may not always be the right one
Me enseñaste a romper lazos que me ataban
You taught me to break ties that tied me up
A existir sin que me vieran, tú me diste tantas cosas
To exist without being seen, you gave me so many things
Y, aunque a veces, te fallaran las maneras
And even if sometimes you'll be out of the ways
Fuiste siempre mi bastón cuando no veía salida
You were always my cane when I couldn't see a way out
Unas alas de cartón que nunca vuelan
Cardboard wings that never fly
Pero, al menos, lo fingían
But at least they pretended
Fuiste lo que me faltaba y no te vas porque sobras
You were what I needed and you're not leaving because you're left over.
Hoy solo soy el pintor que firma y guarda su obra
Today I'm just the painter who signs and keeps his work
La guardaré en un rincón, el mejor de mi castillo
I'll keep it in a corner, the best of my castle
Ese que juntos construimos desde que éramos niños
The one we built together since we were kids
Sé que lo entenderás porque en el fondo lo sabes
I know you'll understand because deep down you know it.
Hoy dejo el surrealismo para pintar paisajes
Today I leave surrealism to paint landscapes
Y aunque el envío es urgente
And while shipping is urgent
La carta es sin remitente
The letter is without a sender
Tú me enseñaste a vencer mi timidez
You taught me to overcome my shyness
Tú me enseñaste a mirar a los ojos
You taught me to look into my eyes
Pero fallabas en contar hasta 10
But you failed to count to 10
Y darte cuenta de que hacías daño a otros
And realizing that you were hurting others
No pienses ni por un momento
Don't think for a moment
Que no voy a echarte nunca más de menos
That I'm never going to miss you anymore.
Pero es difícil que nos veamos
But it's hard for us to see each other
Porque ahora vivimos demasiado lejos
Because now we live too far
Pero siempre te voy a estar
But I'm always going to be
Eternamente agradecido
Eternally grateful
Por esas cosas que sin ti
For those things that without you,
Yo solo, por mi cuenta, nunca habría aprendido
Alone on my own, I would never have learned
Y sabes muy bien que no es triste
And you know very well it's not sad
Por mucho que sea despedida
As much as I get fired
La cura solamente existe
The cure exists only
Si antes hubo herida
If there was a wound before
Fuiste lo que me faltaba y no te vas porque sobras
You were what I needed and you're not leaving because you're left over.
Hoy solo soy el pintor que firma y guarda su obra
Today I'm just the painter who signs and keeps his work
La guardaré en un rincón, el mejor de mi castillo
I'll keep it in a corner, the best of my castle
Ese que juntos construimos desde que éramos niños
The one we built together since we were kids
Sé que lo entenderás porque en el fondo lo sabes
I know you'll understand because deep down you know it.
Hoy dejo el surrealismo para pintar paisajes
Today I leave surrealism to paint landscapes
Y aunque el envío es urgente
And while shipping is urgent
La carta es sin remitente
The letter is without a sender
PD: la letra fue tomada de la app de Musixmatch

Original Song/Cancion Original:

My cover/ Mi version:


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This is incredible dear
I must commend your efforts

Thank you so much 😁

Music at its highest realm. I love this
However, I suggest you read the rules of the community to be guides well

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