Music festival week 126 round 3/☆\ MADE A WAY cover

in Music Zone14 days ago

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Its a beautifull thing that we get to experience another week on the hive musicfestival, my name is chidistickz and this is my entry for the hive music festival week 126 round 3. It's pretty obvious and I'm always excited to share a piece of musical performance with you, i do hope that you'd enjoy this.

For my entry i did a cover of MADE A WAY by Travis Greene. This song have been ringing on my mind lately and i thought of sharing it with you guys.

Looking behind from where we came from, we'd realize that how we arrived at where we presently stand is not in anyway by our efforts, infact our efforts have always proven to fail us or even drive us backward. The only possibility thats visible on this matter is that God made it come through, because if we should have been judged using our qualifications, we'd have gone nowhere by now.

Made a way
Don't know how but you did it
Made a way
Standing here not knowing how we'll get through this test
But holding onto faith you know best
Nothing can catch you by surprise
You've got this figured out and you're watching us now

But when it looks as if we can't win
You wrap us in your arm and step in
And everything we need you supply
You got this in control
And now we know that
You made a way
When our backs were against the wall
And it looked as if it was over
You made a way
And we're standing here
Only because you made a way
You made a way
You made a way



Es maravilloso poder disfrutar de otra semana en el festival de música Hive. Me llamo chidistickz y esta es mi participación para la ronda 3 de la semana 126 del festival. Es bastante obvio y siempre me emociona compartir una pieza musical con ustedes. Espero que la disfruten.

Para mi participación, hice una versión de "MADE A WAY" de Travis Greene. Esta canción me ha estado dando vueltas últimamente y pensé en compartirla con ustedes.

Mirando hacia atrás, desde donde venimos, nos daríamos cuenta de que no hemos llegado a donde estamos actualmente gracias a nuestros esfuerzos; de hecho, nuestros esfuerzos siempre nos han fallado o incluso nos han hecho retroceder. La única posibilidad visible es que Dios lo hizo posible, porque si nos hubieran juzgado por nuestras cualidades, no habríamos llegado a ninguna parte.

Abriste un camino
No sé cómo, pero lo hiciste
Abriste un camino
Aquí parados, sin saber cómo superaremos esta prueba
Pero aferrándote a la fe, tú lo sabes mejor
Nada puede pillarte por sorpresa
Lo tienes todo resuelto y nos estás observando

Pero cuando parece que no podemos ganar
Nos abrazas y entras
Y nos proporcionas todo lo que necesitamos
Tienes esto bajo control
Y ahora lo sabemos
Abriste un camino
Cuando estábamos entre la espada y la pared
Y parecía que se había acabado
Abriste un camino
Y aquí estamos
Solo porque abriste un camino
Abriste un camino
Abriste un camino

▶️ 3Speak


Very nice entry sir, keep it up😂

Thank you

Your entry you are not audible so please take note next time and I love your choice of song keep up the good work

Thanks boss

I celebrate you dearly bro and I am learning from you boss.@chidistickz my gee well well see how relaxed you're while playing and singing without even looking at the guitar, that shows the level of your professionalism. God will surely made a way let's keep believing.

Qh me professional
Thanks boss

This was a wonderful one bro. Keep up the good work

When you cover a song, it's important to include a link to the original video from the artist, composer, or main performer. This way, you can acknowledge their authorship.


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. We reviewed your post and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

@chidistickz i know you can do it, i don't know how he did it but God always do a miracle in my life good cover man 👍♥️

Thanks boss

I most say you did a wonderful job here Sir More Grace and strength.

His got everything in control
And he makes ways
Beautiful entry bro

Wow this is awesome boss,e sharp keep up my man.