Song challenge phase 2/∆\ YESHUWA original song

in Music Zone3 months ago


Hello music zone, complement of the season ❤️, the name is chidistickz of course never Chang 😆 and it's beautiful to have you in my blog. Hoping you'd enjoy your stay in my blog.

This is my entry for the song challenge phase 2 anchored by the music zone. I'm very much excited to make it up for this phase of the song challenge and I will be singing one of my favorite songs, it's titled YESHUWA. I intended to record this song since the beginning of this year but it has always been from one issue to another and even until now I've not recorded it but I should record it probably in 2025 by God's grace 🙏.

Like I said earlier, it's currently my favorite original song, but I'm working on another song and when I'm done with it, it might be my next favorite 🤩. I was inspired by YESHUWA by JESUS IMAGE WORSHIP but when I was writing the song, the line/meaning of the song was in a different direction but of course all to the glory of God.

It's a song that adores the name of God and the powers within it. The Bible tells us that God gave Jesus the highest name and at the mention of his name every knee most bow and every tongue most confess Jesus as the lord of all, the Bible also tells us that the name Jesus is a strong tower. All these Bible verses are pointing to the power in the name of Jesus and that's what this song is all about, God will unfailingly fulfill the promises that are attached to calling the name of Jesus if we stick to our part which is obeying his commands.

My guitar was producing a buzzing sound and I couldn't help it, I had to record it like that so pardon me guys, but trust me it's still very nice 👍 . I really enjoyed recording this song coz it's been a while I sang it. Thanks guys for coming around, I'm sure you're blessed with this presentation, don't forget to tell me what you think about this video in the comment section. See you next week.


Hola zona musical, complemento de la temporada ❤️, el nombre es chidistickz por supuesto nunca Chang 😆 y es hermoso tenerte en mi blog. Esperando que disfrutes tu estancia en mi blog.

Esta es mi entrada para el reto de canciones fase 2 anclado por la zona de música. Estoy muy emocionado de hacerlo para esta fase del desafío de la canción y voy a cantar una de mis canciones favoritas, se titula YESHUWA. Tenía la intención de grabar esta canción desde principios de este año pero siempre ha sido de un tema a otro e incluso hasta ahora no la he grabado pero debería grabarla probablemente en el 2025 por la gracia de Dios 🙏.

Como dije antes, actualmente es mi canción original favorita, pero estoy trabajando en otra canción y cuando termine con ella, podría ser mi próxima favorita 🤩. Me inspire en YESHUWA de JESUS IMAGE WORSHIP pero cuando estaba escribiendo la cancion, la linea/significado de la cancion iba en una direccion diferente pero por supuesto todo para la gloria de Dios.

Es una canción que adora el nombre de Dios y los poderes que hay en él. La Biblia nos dice que Dios dio a Jesús el nombre más alto y que a la mención de su nombre toda rodilla se dobla y toda lengua confiesa a Jesús como el señor de todo, la Biblia también nos dice que el nombre Jesús es una torre fuerte. Todos estos versículos bíblicos apuntan al poder que hay en el nombre de Jesús y de eso trata esta canción, de que Dios cumplirá infaliblemente las promesas que conlleva invocar el nombre de Jesús si

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

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You're doing well bro

Thanks boss

Your song has a pretty catchy beat. I'm excited that you're joining the challenge especially because of what we can learn from it. This is a song that really left me with a very good taste. I congratulate and applaud you. On the other hand, I would appreciate it if you could post the lyrics so I could have them to read and understand the message more thoroughly.

Alright sir
Thanks allot 💞

Hola amigo 👋🏻 saludos,me disfruté mucho tu presentación, una buena energía la que compartes y transmites, el timbre de tú voz es agradable. Felicidades por esta hermosa canción.


Powerful song here, boss.
I really enjoyed it.😍

Toda rodilla se doble ante el Padre, y bendito sea el cordero inmolado por amor! Linda tu canción, llena de pasión! 🌠

The tone is nice.
The lyrics is spiritual and shows your ingenuity. Weldine baba, yiu are doing well

It's a beautiful song brother... Congratulations for your talent and creativity, God bless you!

Great song that you get here my bro wonderful and very spiritual. Love, peace and blessings for you and your family