Hive Music Festival Week 120 Round 3 - Oh My Comrades (Cover)

in Music Zone2 months ago

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As it is been done music is done weekly and new week with another new style of entry, so for the music zone community already at the 120th week and also the third round, i will be coming in with the cover of a song which is titled my comrade and since music has always been a therapy for most people and i will say especially for me, it has been a medicine for me always filling in the space which i never knew it would that is why i always say music is heavenly because it is always there no matter the situation.

Musical Instruments Presentation White and Colour Educational Style_20250129_233601_0000.jpg

The song which i said in the first paragraph is a song which i love so much and the reason for me picking this song is because the past week, we did a special program in the church and this was the song that was rendered and for me i played the keyboard and was not given the opportunity to sing with them since I can't play and sing the same time in church so due to that, i had to saved the song again and prepare it for my music entry for the week but another issue while preparing the video was power outage and i could not use my keyboard since it can't work without light so i had to switch back to my guitar.

I played and sang along with my guitar and the joy i had in me singing this one was not ordinary as it was just an urge for me to do more of this kind of song. I played on the key of C major as usual since i am just improving in the way i play on the guitar, the recording was done with redmi poco x3 and i hope you enjoy the video, see you again next time..


link to the original song


Como se ha hecho la música se hace semanalmente y la nueva semana con otro nuevo estilo de entrada, por lo que para la comunidad de la zona de música ya en la semana 120 y también la tercera ronda, voy a entrar con la portada de una canción que se titula mi camarada y desde la música siempre ha sido una terapia para la mayoría de la gente y voy a decir especialmente para mí, ha sido una medicina para mí siempre llenando el espacio que nunca supe que lo haría es por eso que siempre digo que la música es celestial porque siempre está ahí no importa la situación.

Musical Instruments Presentation White and Colour Educational Style_20250129_233601_0000.jpg

La canción que dije en el primer párrafo es una canción que me gusta mucho y la razón por la que elegí esta canción es porque la semana pasada, hicimos un programa especial en la iglesia y esta fue la canción que se presentó y para mí yo tocaba el teclado y no se me dio la oportunidad de cantar con ellos, ya que no puedo tocar y cantar al mismo tiempo en la iglesia, así que debido a eso, Tuve que guardar la canción de nuevo y prepararlo para mi entrada de música para la semana, pero otro problema durante la preparación del video fue corte de energía y no podía usar mi teclado, ya que no puede trabajar sin luz, así que tuve que cambiar de nuevo a mi guitarra.

Toqué y canté con mi guitarra y la alegría que sentí al cantar esta canción no fue ordinaria, ya que me urgía hacer más canciones de este tipo. Toqué en la tonalidad de Do mayor, como de costumbre, ya que estoy mejorando en la forma en que toco la guitarra, la grabación se hizo con redmi poco x3 y espero que disfruten el video, nos vemos de nuevo la próxima vez ...

▶️ 3Speak


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. We reviewed your post and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

Wonderful rendition boss I salut .

Thanks my able bro for even coming through and giving this comment, i really appreciate

Much love

This is really amazing, i really do enjoy anytime you play the guitar, you are really doing well my brother

It is my duty to always make my viewers enjoy the watch and i am happy you really enjoyed it

This is an amazing performance my brother. You are such an amazing player just like ever.

I will always try to do more than this my boss. Thanks always

Anytime my brother.

My broooo. This is a hit, you are always coming in with new style everyday and i really cherish that, it is a motivation to others. Kudos

The real boss is here, thanks so much for this kind word. The agba himself

My mentor on this one. Kudos boss, you are amazing 🤩

Thanks dear you are my mentor ooo. I am learning from you oo

I love this boss. Thanks for sharing this one.