Hive Music Festival Week 121 Round 1 - Playing the Guitar key A minor

in Music Zonelast month

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Hello my music people!!
I hope you all are doing great this week and you all are enjoying the weather of music in the community, it's a nice thing to do music in a way that one will be challenged to explore and that is why i brought in my entry for week 121 in another form of style, you might have been thinking what kind of style did i bring this time around, so to bring you all out of the suspense, i am glad to tell you all that i didn't sing for my entry this time around and also I didn't play the keyboard too, thinking of the acoustic guitar as an accompany? No, i also didn't use that.

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But guess what? I played the electric lead guitar by soloing, i never thought i could be able to try it out since I have not done that before but to my surprise i did well on it, i played the guitar today which is the electric lead guitar even though the playing was not that smooth I still manage to do that in a little way i can and i hope playing it more often will help me improve and play very neat than this. The first backing track i saw was a bit complex for me since it's just my first trial and I don't want to do any hard one.

So i searched well for a simple one i can still play on and it wont give me difficulties, the one i later chose was played on the key of A minor and it's a blues style. It was awesome and i was so happy playing that electric guitar for the first time, i know if i can just continue playing it once in a while i can be better than this and also i have not started using the pletron to play but just hand. Music is therapeutic..

link to the backing track


¡¡¡Hola mi gente de la música!!!
Espero que todos ustedes están haciendo muy bien esta semana y todos ustedes están disfrutando del clima de la música en la comunidad, es una cosa agradable para hacer música de una manera que uno se enfrentan al reto de explorar y es por eso que he traído en mi entrada para la semana 121 en otra forma de estilo, que podría haber estado pensando qué tipo de estilo que he traído en esta ocasión, así que para llevar a todos fuera del suspenso, me alegro de decirles a todos que yo no canto para mi entrada en esta ocasión y también no tocar el teclado también, pensando en la guitarra acústica como un acompañamiento? No, tampoco la usé.

White Black Modern Live Music Poster_20250205_125401_0000.png

Pero, ¿sabéis qué? Toqué la guitarra eléctrica solista, nunca pensé que podría ser capaz de probarlo ya que no lo he hecho antes, pero para mi sorpresa lo hice bien, toqué la guitarra hoy que es la guitarra eléctrica solista a pesar de que el juego no era tan suave todavía me las arreglo para hacerlo de una manera poco que puedo y espero que jugar más a menudo me ayudará a mejorar y jugar muy limpio que esto. La primera pista de acompañamiento que vi era un poco compleja para mí, ya que es sólo mi primera prueba y no quiero hacer ninguna difícil.

Así que busqué una sencilla con la que pudiera seguir tocando y que no me pusiera dificultades, y la que elegí estaba en la tonalidad de La menor y era de estilo blues. Fue impresionante y yo estaba tan feliz tocando esa guitarra eléctrica por primera vez, sé que si puedo seguir tocando de vez en cuando puedo ser mejor que esto y también no he empezado a usar el pletron para jugar, pero sólo la mano. La música es terapéutica..



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Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. We reviewed your post and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

Thanks so much

Awesome performance! Your command of the electric guitar is evident in every note. You managed to convey great emotion and energy through your playing. Keep rocking!

Thank you so much, i really feel motivated even though it's my first time of trying the electric guitar for solo

Da da da daaaa daa da , that sound! 💎

Thanks so much, this is just giving me the vibes to do more

I said it this man is the real boss, you know how to sing, play the keyboard and solo on the guitar, you are amazing

Real boss, no o i just said i should give it a try today

The backing track made the song nice and you playing the guitar this is amazing

Thanks brother man i really appreciate you

My pleasure

First time I will see you play the lead guitar, there is just something special about you, You are amazing brother, you rock

That's music for you, one really just have to explore, thanks for coming through

Exactly exploring is the goal

This is a lovely one, you really showing that you are a musicologists by playing the guitar. You rock brother

Can a learner be a musicologist, don't whine me o😂. Thanks anyways my bro

Lol you are still the boss here

Nice play my boss, I am still your teacher on this😄😁😁

I accept that fact that is why i call myself a learner so you can actually teach me more and be better