We are moved and amazed by your composition and interpretation of this song. And it is that we feel sure that God is the source of all good things. We congratulate you on your lovely participation. We are not happy about your participation in the Hive Music Festival. However, the entry will not be valid because the presentation was for another community. Remember that you must refer to the Hive Music Festival, not to another contest.
Estamos conmovidos y asombrados por tu composición e interpretación de esta canción. Y es que nos sentimos seguros de que Dios es la fuente de todo bien. Los felicitamos por su hermosa participación. No estamos contentos con su participación en el Hive Music Festival. Sin embargo, la entrada no será valida porque esra para otra comunidad.Recuerda que debes referirte al Hive Music Festival, no a otro concurso.
There must have been a mix up.
I use to record a lot of videos and I do the editing myself.
What happened here was that I failed to play the song from 3speak media before uploading it to be sure it's the song I intend uploading.
Something of such has never happened before and it won't repeat itself again.
My sincere apologies to this esteemed community.
I apologize to the admins, moderators, and distinguished members of this community.
Thanks for always welcoming me and it's a privilege to be part of the family!