Hive Music Festival Week 106 Round 1 "Workship Medley" by Ovey10

in Music Zone2 days ago
Hive Music Festival Week 106 Round 1 "Workship Medley" by Ovey10



Hello everyone, good day and welcome to my entry for Hive Music Festival Week107 round 1. It's a pleasure to participate in this week of Hive music festival and I want to celebrate my friends and colleagues @edwardstobia and @yisusth for the amazing work they're doing here in the community.

This week I decided to share with us all a medley of gospel songs I so much love and have been running through my mind lately. One of them is "I will worship you forever" by Nathaniel Bassey. We are experiencing some form of hardship round the world at the moment, imaginary things are happening in our world, some people are trying by all means to survive and not to give up despite how hard the world is beating them down to their kneels.

This are times where you will see people deviating from the things of God because life is challenging them and giving them every reason back down. The song "I will worship you forever" is more than a song to me, the song is more of a declaration never to back down from giving God all the praise and worship forever since He has been there from the beginning and has been good to us.

The second song "Fi abara" is in Yoruba dialect which means "Pour down your power" in English. Each and everyone of us needs God's intervention in one way or the other. With the power of God all things are possible, our requests and heart desires can all come to accomplishment through Him. So we gotta learn to trust God more even in times of trial and temptations.

The third song is "Excess Love" by Mercy Chinwo. God's love and grace will always shield us no matter the roughness of the road and the hardships that befalls us. The three songs I pick are interconnected because all of them are speaking to us about the current situations of the world and what we need to know and do in these adverse circumstances.

In time like this we need God more, we need more of His love, and we need more of His power.

Peace and Love to You All✌️💙

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Hola a todos, buen día y bienvenidos a mi participación en la ronda 1 de la semana 107 del festival de música Hive. Es un placer participar en esta semana del festival de música Hive y quiero celebrar a mis amigos y colegas @edwardstobia y @yisusth por el increíble trabajo que están haciendo aquí en la comunidad.

Esta semana decidí compartir con todos nosotros un popurrí de canciones gospel que me encantan y que han estado rondando mi mente últimamente. Una de ellas es "I will worship you forever" de Nathaniel Bassey. Estamos experimentando algún tipo de dificultad en todo el mundo en este momento, cosas imaginarias están sucediendo en nuestro mundo, algunas personas están tratando por todos los medios de sobrevivir y no darse por vencidas a pesar de lo duro que el mundo las está arrodillando.

Estos son tiempos en los que verás a personas desviándose de las cosas de Dios porque la vida las está desafiando y les está dando todas las razones para retroceder. La canción "Te adoraré por siempre" es más que una canción para mí, la canción es más una declaración de nunca dar marcha atrás en dar a Dios toda la alabanza y adoración por siempre ya que Él ha estado allí desde el principio y ha sido bueno con nosotros.

La segunda canción "Fi abara" está en dialecto yoruba que significa "Derrama tu poder" en español. Todos y cada uno de nosotros necesitamos la intervención de Dios de una manera u otra. Con el poder de Dios todas las cosas son posibles, nuestras peticiones y deseos del corazón pueden llegar a realizarse a través de Él. Así que tenemos que aprender a confiar más en Dios incluso en tiempos de prueba y tentaciones.

La tercera canción es "Excess Love" de Mercy Chinwo. El amor y la gracia de Dios siempre nos protegerán sin importar lo duro del camino y las dificultades que nos sobrevengan. Las tres canciones que elegí están interconectadas porque todas nos hablan sobre las situaciones actuales del mundo y lo que necesitamos saber y hacer en estas circunstancias adversas.

En momentos como este necesitamos más a Dios, necesitamos más de su amor y necesitamos más de su poder.

Paz y amor para todos ustedes✌️💙

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Image, Property of Hive Music Festival


First Song

I will worship him forever
Love him forever because
This God is too good oh
I will worship him forever
Love him forever because
This God is too good oh

Second Song

Fi agbara re han
Fi agbara re han
Fi agbara re han
Onye oma
Fi agbara re han
Fi agbara re han
Fi agbara re han
Onye oma

I worship you
Alagbawi mi oh
I adore Jehovah
I depend on you
Agbani lagbatan oba
Your covenant is sure oh
Yes You never change yeah eh

Third song

Your love is kind
Your love is patient
You fill my heart
With so much peace and joy
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o too much o excess Love o
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o, too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too much oh oh oh oh
Too much o too much o excess love o

Lyrics Source: Lyricfind and Boomplay

Thank You 💙


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

Good work boss, our God is too good to us so for that reason we will worship him forever thanks 🙏 for sharing

Yes sir ..
Thank you so much for coming around..

Thank You So Much Fam...
Peace and Love 💕✌️

Hey brother... Always good to hear good music coming from an old friend! You're a star bro, God bless you 🙏 ❤️

 7 hours ago (edited) 

I remember making a presentation with this song "this God is too good" at almost every event we had back in the days when I started to learn songs, hehe see as u just combine tones and made something beautiful
You too much baba
I love the calmn style bro
Weldone boss