Musiczone Songchallenge phase 3 - Trying Hard To Work It Out by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP

in Music Zone2 months ago

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Musiczone Songchallenge Phase 3 - Trying Hard To Work It Out by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP



Hello everyone, good day and welcome to my entry for Song Challenge phase 3, it was indeed a happy ride starting from phase 1 and today climaxing on the last phase of the contest before the judges decisions.

Aside being just a contestant in this event, I got to discover something new about myself through this song challenge contest. It's not totally easy writing a new song but consistency draws you closer to the perfect line. Through this challenge, I could compose a song with a straightforward meaning unlike how it used to be. It's more easier for me to share original songs with my audience when I sing from my heart and feeling. The Bible says "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" and this is just my story during the contest, I was able to improve my composing ability through this contest.

Today, the song I share with you all results from my experiences through the year 2024. A lot has been happening here and to be frank with y'all, it's draining!. As much as I'm trying to avoid pains and stress from home, surrounding from friends, there use to be unavoidable scenes that brings pain, I don't even know if I am supposed to keep running away from my pain because facing it just keeps hurting, specially when the genesis is from people around you that are supposed to be your support.

The title of my original song is "Trying Hard To Work It Out". The journey gets frustrating at some point, there are situations I've been running away from and whenever I decide to fight and make things work out well, I end up inflicting more pain and sorrow to myself, worst of all these are issues that I am not supposed to run away from. It's hard at this point to trust ones problems to God but that's the best for me at this point. Whenever you run to the right and to the left and you don't have any option we can always turn to God. It's best to leave it in His hands no matter how big or small the problem. I know some persons can relate to my story, I just hope we heal faster and get lasting solutions to our problems.

Thank you everyone for your constant support throughout this contest, a big shout-out to all the community heads working to ensure good music on the platform @edwardstobia @fmbs25 @yisusth and @dimeilaz



I'm trying Hard to Work It out
I feel my strength is fading out
I'm trying hard to work it out
I'm trying hard to work it out X2


Am going crazy cause am trying so hard to work it
My strength now is fading maybe it's time that I should give up now
Am tired of working hard to make this things feel right
I wanna give up now, maybe I'll feel alright...

Oh my God, you are the only one that have got yeah
I don't wanna give up cause with you I know that I'll feel alright
So take this pain of yesterday and take away my shame
I pray in Jesus name
This cup shall pass away...


Hola a todos, buen día y bienvenidos a mi participación en la fase 3 del desafío de canciones. Fue un viaje muy feliz desde la fase 1 hasta el clímax de la última fase del concurso antes de las decisiones de los jueces.

Además de ser solo un concursante en este evento, descubrí algo nuevo sobre mí a través de este desafío de canciones. No es del todo fácil escribir una canción nueva, pero la constancia te acerca a la línea perfecta. A través de este desafío, pude componer una canción con un significado sencillo, a diferencia de lo que solía ser. Es más fácil para mí compartir canciones originales con mi audiencia cuando canto desde mi corazón y sentimiento. La Biblia dice "De la abundancia del corazón habla la boca" y esta es solo mi historia durante el concurso. Pude mejorar mi capacidad de composición a través de este concurso.

Hoy, la canción que comparto con todos ustedes es el resultado de mis experiencias a lo largo del año 2024. Han sucedido muchas cosas aquí y, para ser franco con todos ustedes, ¡es agotador! Por más que intento evitar los dolores y el estrés de casa, del entorno de mis amigos, suelen aparecer escenas inevitables que me causan dolor, ni siquiera sé si debería seguir huyendo de mi dolor porque enfrentarlo me sigue doliendo, especialmente cuando el origen viene de las personas que te rodean y que se supone que son tu apoyo.

El título de mi canción original es "Trying Hard To Work It Out". El viaje se vuelve frustrante en algún momento, hay situaciones de las que he estado huyendo y cada vez que decido luchar y hacer que las cosas funcionen bien, termino infligiéndome más dolor y pena a mí misma, lo peor de todo son problemas de los que no debería huir. Es difícil en este punto confiar nuestros problemas a Dios, pero eso es lo mejor para mí en este momento. Siempre que corres a la derecha o a la izquierda y no tienes otra opción, siempre puedes recurrir a Dios. Es mejor dejarlo en Sus manos sin importar cuán grande o pequeño sea el problema. Sé que algunas personas pueden identificarse con mi historia, solo espero que nos recuperemos más rápido y obtengamos soluciones duraderas para nuestros problemas.

Gracias a todos por su constante apoyo durante este concurso, un gran agradecimiento a todos los líderes de la comunidad que trabajan para garantizar buena música en la plataforma @edwardstobia @fmbs25 @yisusth y @dimeilaz


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You should feel proud because this contest has definitely helped you in your growth process at a composition level, I admire each one of you because you have done a beautiful job.

Yeah, I'm happy to participate in the contest from the beginning till the end.
Thanks for stopping by...Thank you so much @mirel0510

Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Song Challenge 2024. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Song Challenge 2024. We reviewed your post and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!


It's a pleasure to share music in the communityThanks much Fam @musiczone

Senior man with the magical hand and voice. This is creative broo. Thw melody is classic. Bravo man