Hoy deseo compartir con ustedes una canciòn original con un título ...poco convencional: "Cuando el horizonte". Letra y mùsica de mi creaciòn trabaje en ella una tarde hace varias dècadas. Estudiaba con las hermanas Pìas Discìpulas del Divino Maestro en su casa de formación en El Hatillo, estado Miranda, Venezuela. Un dìa, en forma intempestiva, llegò la noticia de que la Madre General habìa decidido cambiar a una de las hermanas para un lugar remoto... un paìs al que nunca habìa ido. Eran pocos los dìas que le quedaban para el momento de su ida, no recuerdo bien, pero si que era algo asì como tres o cinco dìas, porque la necesitaban allà.
La hermana a la que iban a transferir era muy apreciada por las estudiantesm asì que esa noticia nos impactò y entristeciò. A la vez, la actitud de la hermana ante la noticia me marcò bastante: no puso reparo alguno, segura estaba de que Dios la llamaba a otro lygar porque la necesitaba allá y eso era lo único que le importaba: ser útil donde Él quisiese.
Así que corriendo le preparamos una pequeña reunión de despedida y me encerré en un salón de clase dos horas antes de la reuniòn con una guitarra tratando de hacer algún canto alusivo a la ocasión. Esta fue la canciòn que compuse para la ocasión...bastante breve... el tiempo no daba para màs.
Volví a tocarla hace pocas semanas en la despedida estaba vez de una de las integrantes del coro de mi parroquia, coordinadora de las pastorales, rezandera, una persona muy activa en la iglesia, super colaboradora y solidaria, quien se fué para España con la intenciòn de radicarse allà definitivamente ya que sus dos hijos la precedieron hace algunos meses y ya están bien allá.
Espero que les guste este tema.
Esta es su letra
No importa donde vayas, estaremos contigo
Con la misma vida, con el mismo amigo.
No importa el lugar o el dolor del adiós
Siempre hay alegría en donde está el Señor
- si todo es para el Señor -
Creo que la canción les va a gustar y espero que también sea de su agrado mi interpretación. Les cuento que en este momento no tengo editor para el video. Se me dañò el celular, coloquè el chip en uno que me prestò una vecina, pero es un modelo “viejito” y todos los editores que he intentado descargar por la play store me dicen que “no son compatibles con el móvil”. Se me dañò el cargador de la laptop Canaimita que utilizaba, tengo en uso una de mi compadre Evelio, tiene como sistema operativo Windows 7 y los editores piden que sean de 10 para arriba. Hay unos que son versiones viejas pero hay què instalarlos teniendo un emulador, los trato de descargar pero cuando llego a la parte de “Ejecutar como administrador” desaparecen. Asì que por ello estoy “editando” las fotos en el arcaico paint y no tengo con què editar el video.

Greetings to all the music lovers, vocalists, instrumentalists, and composers who make up this wonderful community. I believe we are privileged to have this resource that allows us to come closer musically despite geographical distances and allows us to communicate despite linguistic differences. I have much to thank God for and all the people of good will who, with their daily work, ensure that this musical space continues.
Today I would like to share with you an original song with an unconventional title: "Cuando el horizonte" (When the Horizon). I worked on the lyrics and music of my own creation one afternoon several decades ago. I studied with the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master Sisters at their formation house in El Hatillo, Miranda State, Venezuela. One day, out of the blue, news arrived that Mother General had decided to transfer one of the sisters to a remote location... a country she had never been to. She had only a few days left before her departure, I don't remember exactly, but it was something like three or five days, because she was needed there.
The sister who was going to be transferred was very well-liked by the students, so this news shocked and saddened us. At the same time, the sister's attitude toward the news made a deep impression on me: she didn't object, certain that God was calling her to another place because He needed her there, and that was the only thing that mattered to her: to be useful wherever He wanted.
So, we hurriedly organized a small farewell gathering, and I locked myself in a classroom two hours before the meeting with a guitar, trying to compose a song alluding to the occasion. This was the song I composed for the occasion...quite briefly...there wasn't enough time for more.
I played it again a few weeks ago at the farewell of one of the members of my parish choir, a pastoral coordinator, a prayer leader, a very active person in the church, extremely helpful and supportive, who left for Spain with the intention of settling there permanently, since her two children preceded her a few months ago and are already well there.
I hope you like this song.
These are the lyrics.
When the horizon is a form of surrender
When you say yes without asking
When your words are "Here is your servant"
You will be safe in His hands.
No matter where you go, we will be with you
With the same life, with the same friend.
No matter the place or the pain of goodbye
There is always joy where the Lord is
- if everything is for the Lord -
I'm letting you know that I don't currently have a video editor. My cell phone broke. I put the chip in one a neighbor lent me, but it's an older model, and all the editors I've tried to download from the Play Store tell me they're "not compatible with the phone." The charger on the Canaimita laptop I was using broke. I have one of my friend Evelio's. It runs Windows 7, and the editors require Windows 10 or higher. There are some older versions, but you have to install them using an emulator. I try to download them, but when I get to the "Run as administrator" section, they disappear. So, I'm "editing" the photos in the ancient Paint app, and I don't have anything to edit the video with.
Own photos and video taken with Samsung J2 Prime cell phone
Fotos y video propios, tomadas con celular Samsung J2 Prime
The text in Spanish was created without AI
El texto en castellano fue creado sin IA
The text in English I translated it with / El texto en ingles lo traduje ayudándome con el Traductor Google / Google Translate
Editing of photos in Paint
Las ediciones de fotos en Paint.
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Si lo deseas puedes seguirme en las redes
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@sayury you deliver the song so well I really love how you strum the guitar and how you sing along with the sound of the guitar.
Thank you, @joseph2014 for your nice comment. I am very pleased to know that you like my musical work. A thousand blessings.
How have you been and how is the Internet issue now in your place?
This is good music maHello @sayury it's been a while
It turns out my phone broke. My next-door neighbor lent me a pair to put my chip in because buying a phone these days is very difficult due to the high costs. But it's an old model, and I no longer have the video editor I had on my other phone. I used Inshot, but I can't download any editors from the Play Store because they all claim to be "incompatible with the phone." I had a laptop that also had an editor, and it turns out the charger broke, and it's very difficult to get one. My friend Evelio gave me his laptop because his daughter, who lives in Argentina, sent him a PC from there. But it turns out the operating system is Windows 7, and editors require a "minimum of Windows 10," so I don't have an editor on the laptop either. I can juggle photos with Paint, but I can't do anything... to edit videos. Well... the time I wasn't posting was when my computers broke and while I was getting new ones. Now, tell me about yourself, your theology studies, and your progress with the Italian language.Hi @jesus-son, thanks for visiting. I'm glad you liked the music. Well, the internet has improved in my area. We now have fiber optic internet, which we pay half and half with the neighbor next door. But other things have become more complicated. As the saying goes here: "There were fifteen of us and grandma gave birth."
I could just relate so much well with every detail uou narrated here. Life is not fair at all, problems multiply day by day, but thanks to God who give us the grace to surmount them with faith and perseverance.
My stay in Italy has been a mixed experience of positive and negative experience. Especially with relating with foreigners, its very difficult for some to accept but then I don't so much care in as much as I accept myself.
Now theological studies are getting tougher and tougher as I am required to study other three ancient languages, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. However I am doing my very best and by the grace of God I will be done with everything by June next year.
So sorry for the problems ma, keep struggling and believing God. Things will be better
Dear friend @jesus-son, thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes, He is always present and gives meaning to everything. I am very happy about your progress in your studies and that you are learning more, perhaps, than you thought you would, since you are doing this to put it to use later. May God and the Virgin accompany every step of your humble walk, being your light and helping you to be a light for others.
Amen to your prayers
Thank you very much
You are ever welcome.
You are ever welcome. El aprender varios idiomas te abre ventanas a diversos mundos. Las diferencias gramaticales de uno a otro nos sorprenden unas veces, otras nos divierten , pero todas las veces nos dejan una gran enseñanza que tiene qué ver con el respeto al otro que es diferente.
Sono d'accordo
Vado avvanti nonostante le difficoltà
Buona domenica
Sono d'escendo
Vado Avvanti Nonostante Le Factot
Buona domenica
Quedò fino, @sayury.
Gracias por tu visita y omentario, @carmenrivas. Me alegra mucho saber que fue de tu agrado. Bendiciones............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thanks a lot, @ladiesofhive.
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tokens.@sayury, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting to Ladies of Hive.
We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
Thank you very much, @ladytoken, I appreciate a lot your gift and support. Blessings.
Tu voz tan dulce y aguda me parece hermosa amiga Sayuri, se escucha muy bonito tu tema, admiro esa capacidad que tienes para hacer canciones llamativas y que tengan tu esencia musical.
Te envío un abrazo 🤗
Gracias, @mirel0510, por tomar parte de tu tiempo para escuchar mi trabajo y por valorarlo. Me alegra mucho que te guste. Bendiciones.
SakudosLinda canciòn @sayury, si Dios esta en nuestros corazones es una promesa de esperanzas en el futuro
Asì es, @mafalda2018, una promesa de "todo don bueno y perfecto". Gracias por tu visita y apoyo. Mil bendiciones.
@sayury i always see your entry is in praise and worship community and am getting blessed by the day thank for visiting 👍♥️🎸👋👋👋👋
Thank you for your way of saying "Welcome", @franco10, I have also participated in this community for a long time, although as I explained in the post, "technical problems" have kept me away from Hive for a bit. Thanks for the visit. Blessings
Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!
Muchas gracias , @musiczone, por pasar por mi blog y dejarme un voto positivo. Felicitaciones por el trabajo que realizan para mantener este bello Festival activo semana tras semana. Mil bendiciones.
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Como siempre, portadores de buenas noticias. Gracias por mantenernos al tanto de esas importantes estadìsticas. Bendiciones.
Saludos amiga @sayury, esta es una muy buena canción original para el concurso, le deseo muchos éxitos.
Muchas gracias, amigo @italozapsta, por apartar de su tiempo para visitar mi blog. Gracias también por sus bue os deseos. Me alegra mucho que le hay gustado. Bendiciones
Saludos, estimado amigo @italozaoata. Me alegra mucho que le haya gustado, gracias por apartar de su tiempo para visitar mi blog y por sus buenos deseos.Bendicionez.
Thanks for your visit in my blog, @confident1
You are always welcome
Muy bonita te quedó esa canción, ma. Además, tras ella hay una historia interesante aunque sea senncilla, de amor y entrega. Éxitos.
Gracias, corazón, me alegra mucho que te guste. Las cosas más importantes se "camuflan" a veces tras lo que es aparentemente sencillo o pequeño. Dios te bendiga,