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RE: Kodak Retina, and self developing

Love Ilford 400

Be careful, once you start developing your own, the bug will get you!

I used to love developing my own. All my film cameras are in America right now and with young kids, it's probably unsafe to keep those chemicals around. But as soon as they grow a little and I get more time, I'll be jumping right back into it.

Anyway, you got pretty good results!


Oh, the bug has hit! I really don't want to use a lot of chemicals, so the df96 seemed like a really good solutions, but then I found some instructions for developing with beer, or instant coffee, both of which require fixer. So. Now I have fixer, too. Hopefully you'll be able to get back into it soon, too, but I agree that the fewer chemicals in a house the better.

Thanks for the positive feedback! I have more cameras and at least 10 more rolls of film to go through.