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RE: Mamiya M 645 - I Love My Mamiya!

in Analog (FILM) Photoglast year (edited)

I have occasionally picture loading issues too but usually with only one or two pictures in one post and if I change the site I read the post from it sometimes helps. PeakD, etc. I hope you get to see the photos soon.

Mamiya at first was weird to handle as it's big and heavy and as with all new cameras, you're first a little bit lost with everything. But all settings, shutter speed, aperture, are put in logical places and easy to use. That's truly isn't with some cameras, Russian Smena and Lumo cameras for instance. Not very user friendly.


Ecency was having issues, but it's fixed now. I love the shots! I have considered doing 35 mm in my Super Ikonta but the film goes left to right so it wouldn't really add much to the frame. I might try it in the Yashica Mat since the orientation is different. How many pictures did you get out of the roll?

Of course, my film holder does cut off the sprocket holes.... Hmmmm....

Great that the issue is gone!

I got 25 photos. Or 24 and 2/3 photo. I could get more if I adjust the electrical tape on the spool. It's there to prevent overlapping frames. I could take out a layer or two so that the first frames would be closer and the last frames wouldn't be too far away since the gap does grow. Also I could attach some paper to the start of the film so that it's not wasted when I roll it before the first frame.

You definitely should try sprocket hole photography! Just have it scanned somewhere else. Or scan it yourself first and then the best shots with the sprocket holes by someone else with a professional scanner that one can scan bigger films frames with.