I really enjoy that the film wasn't quite tight; it gives the pictures a little extra emotion.
I think so too. Baby Brownie is absolutely one of my favourite cameras now.
If you ever get 127 film you absolutely have to try your Baby Brownie. Or perhaps do it the hard way and make a 127 film backing paper out of a 120 paper and roll a 35mm film to it. I liked doing that so much that I'm not going to do that ever again, not in this decade anyway.
Hahaha! Yah, rolling my own film is nothing I have the patience for. I did find a fellow on eBay selling some re-rolled and cut-down 120 film for $15.00/roll, which is a fair price for the work that needs to go into it. I might go that route.
Not a bad price at all considering the whole procedure is quite a hassle.