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RE: The Story

maybe posts like this wonderful one will bring some more interest to the old-school analog (film) photography !! Just wow story about your steps to and in photography. You're was luckier than me - firstly I started with digital and only then discovered for myself the beauty of the film, even I always loved the imperfection with digital and always knew that one day I will go all the way "back" to the original stuff.


well i do have a box of negatives, but i was just the guy that document things that you can laugh and be embarrassed about 20 years later :D did not know a lot about photography.
I like the feeling of film photography and the process of taking photos and not really knowing what will you get, but i never got into developing it myself. So it is a hassle, i need to send it somewhere, labs are not doing it on regular basses... Now thinking about it, i need to check with a friend of mine, he was mentioning that will go into developing.

still undeveloped negatives? or just never scanned?

never scanned, because then lab would not scan them, you would get 36 developed photos in chosen format and that is it. and most of the time they would give you a new film as a gift, that was nice of them :D

i see
hope you find some time and a scanner to digitalize them