Why is it important to feed khichuri to small child?

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

There is no substitute for breast milk for the baby. Because when a baby drinks his mother's milk, he gets the necessary nutritional value from it. But to be honest, as the age increases, the mother's breast milk decreases and the baby's appetite increases and he becomes more and more hungry. So at that time he needs to be given extra food. Especially then she needs to be fed extra food in addition to breast milk.

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Babies need soft foods after six months or so. At that time he may be allowed to eat fruit. And at the same time he can be fed vegetable khichuri. It is very beneficial to give vegetable khichuri at this time. He has to make such vegetable khichuri with fresh vegetables available in the market or our own garden vegetables, rice, pulses. If soybean oil is not a problem, it is more beneficial to feed a small piece of chicken meat or chicken's liver mixed with khichuri. However, at that time you have to take care whether the child's digestion is right or not. Among the vegetables, potato, sweet pumpkin, tomato, carrot, radish, turnip, papaya can be fed. From which the baby will get extra nutrition and get the nutrients needed for growth.

Since a lot of fresh vegetables are used here and khichuri is made using rice pulses, it is a very beneficial food for children. Which is basically a balanced diet. And from this food the child gets his necessary energy. However, it is important to remember that it is important to change the diet, that is, the same food should not be fed to the child every day. However, the most important thing at that time is whether the child has digestive problems.

This is my opinion. Thanks for reading and your supporting..