3 Benefits of Moringa Oliefera Leaves | CURING EYES, STROKE, AND IMMUNITY (based on experiences)

Hi everybody. I hope you all in the health condition.

You might have many ways to be healthy. One of the good way is to consume the natural foods.

In term of joining #lotusindonesia contest, I would like to share you a little bit experience about a super food, called Moringa Oliefera. I try to cover with three benefits based on experiences.


Last week I met a journalist. He come to my place to find out about our activity regarding Moringa. He interviewed our leader. Two days later he send the article from that meeting.

You could access it here

He mentioned in the title "million of benefits of Moringa". I agree with it. Here is the proves.

Recovering myopic eyes

This benefit experienced by my teacher. She told me that two years ago she consistently consumed Moringa tea. The tea is made by drying it without direct sunlight.

Moringa Tea | image by: @abdulhamids

She consumed it for three months. Eventually, she felt better especially for her eyes. Truely, she did not consumed it deliberately to cure her eyes.

Until now she still feels good. Moringa tea becomes the primary beverage for her to cure immune of body.

Healing stroke

A year ago I went to a house. It is around 400 meters from my residence. I met a person who ails stroke. However, when I arrive to his home he does not looked sick.

Still, his right hand could not be moved freely. It looked quite faint. Moreover, his mouth also could not be active.

He told me that he consume Moringa leaves during the illness comes. That deases came a two years ago. He was treated in hospital for 6 months. However, his condition did not change significantly.

His neighbour then suggested him to consume moringa leaves. He tried it and could feel the benefit after a month with consuming consistently.

The leaves was cooked becoming a soup or "sayur bening" (vegetable boiled with no mixing any flavour). He consumed it two times in a day, in the morning and evening.

Now, he still consumes it. The condition of his body is slowly better. Compared to his friend who ailed the same illness but did not consume it, he passed away.

Moringa Leaves as a vegetable | Image by: @abdulhamids for Odesa Indonesia.

Reinforcing immunity

Based on my experience, Moringa truly great for immunity. If I consume it, I feel my body OK even in a hectic time. It makes me not easy to tire and makes my rest better.

Moringa leaves harvested for making tea | image by: @abdulhamids for Odesa Indonesia.

I usually consume it as a tea or vegetable.


That's a little bit experience about the beneficial of Moringa oliefera. Do you have any impression about it? Feel free to comment below!

Thank you for making this contest @naturalmedicine @lotusindonesia

Best regards,



Its benefits are interesting and powerful, without a doubt nature provides us with wonderful things. Thank you for sharing it in our community!

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This is a wonderful anecdote on the healing power of moringa, posts like yours are really inspiring. Thank you for sharing. 💚🤗

Wow. Thank you for your appreciation. Greetings!!

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Moringa is only recently available in the US, this is good to know. I think I have seen it as a powder meant to take it as a supplement, but I should look and see if there are some leaves in the herbs shop for tea!

Oh, really? Whereas, I read many materials about Moringa from journals established by NCBI. I hope you get the tea from online market place. I recommend you to consume it! O ya, make sure that is still green and fresh.

How do you make it a tea?

In summary:

  1. Pick the leaves from the tree, choose the old one
  2. Clean them by water mixed salt
  3. Dry them without sunlight
  4. Make sure them dried perfectly (use hair dryer for perfect result)
  5. Prepare a hot water in a glass and pour a spoon of them into it.
  6. Stir it until the water looked yellow.

The tea is ready to drink.

It is clear?

Oh, it's that simple. I might try to do that since I know what it can do well. I think it would take practice for me to do it everyday. Thanks for the info, that was easy to understand!

Don't mention it. Let's try! 🍵