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RE: 90 Minutes of Yoga - Drum & Bass stylee

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

It is a good one for us yes, not so much balance or flexibility as strength for once. And doing the wheel with one leg up, that one is super tough but I can just about hold it for the duration.

I'm sure i'll add more videos, although I think i'll wear something other than boxers with hearts on next time! :D

 5 years ago  

Oh no, wear your shorts. haha - we used to do a LOT of bikram hot yoga! and the shorts were ... ummmm....

I got asked to wear more clothes, but it less constricting and saves on washing :)

 5 years ago  

I prefer you wearing less clothes.


Well one item is my lower limit :D

 5 years ago  

It's really probably for the best, but nude yoga is a thing.

I'd be keen, but I don't think Hive is ready (or maybe that's just my excuse) :)