This is all very intriguing and I very much look forward to your posts on your personal experiences learning and implementing this method of farming. I'm 100% for all natural farming methods and techniques. A fabulous book is "Teaming with Microbes" by Jeff Lowenfels. This text goes very deep into the science behind how plants are fed by microbes. One of the key things it mentions is that by applying synthetic fertilizers, the plant no longer needs to use microbes to feed because the nutrients are in a form which the plant can readily take up. This leads to a series of changes in the plant and soil which causes the microbial life to perish or establish themselves elsewhere. After 3 years (referring to your mention of developed nations "helping" less developed nations) of synth ferts, the microbes will be gone and the farmers will be reliant on the chemical producers if they aren't aware of methods to restore the lands. Not to mention, it can take 5-10 years to fully restore lands which were fed by synthetics. :\
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