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RE: Natural medicine

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

Aww thank you so much, I am humbled. I'll admit, there are moments I look at something I've written and feel very pleased with it - I believe it is because I write what I feel more than what I think, although thinking comes into play of course.

I have a process in life that helps to replace the status quo within me. It revolves around playing a movie in my mind of something that makes my heart sing, that walk on the beach above for instance. But not just to see the images; I delve deeper to feel the emotions, smell the salty air, hear the waves, the crunch of sand beneath my feet...And then feel as I did in that very moment. That's the goal - The feeling, not just the memory.

I may be between appointments, sitting in my car, when I do this and I use this technique to reset. It works most of the time and allows me to move forward into the next phase of my day from a position of neutrality at worst, and positivity at best.

The piece I wrote here describes one such moment in a poor fashion, but demonstrates what my minds eye sees when I need to fine centre.

Of course, nothing quite beats the act of walking on that beach...But I can't always do that when enmeshed in the grind of society in the modern day.

Thank you for your kind words. I am grateful and appreciative.