¡Hola! Apreciada colmena de @naturalmedicina. Hoy les vengo a dar una receta muy buena, se trata de la planta de cundeamor; pero primero les voy a contar porque me interese por esta. Resulta que mi hermano le comenzó a salir en su rostro muchos granos; pero eran demasiado horribles fue al medico y resulto ser acné, el ya no quería ni salir de la casa y cada día se le ponían como rojas, con pus un día llego mi tía que sabe muchos de planta ya que ella se crió en el campo y allí se utiliza mucho la medicina natural. Le dijo sobrino si quiere curarse de esas cosa que tiene en su rostro, hay una planta que se llama cundeamor que es buenísima para eso. Así mismo mi hermano busco la planta y empezó con el tratamiento ya a los 20 días había mejorado mucho. Esta planta también la llaman melón amargo. El nombre científico es ( Momordica charantia ).
Hello, dear hive of @naturalmedicina. Today I come to give you a very good recipe, it is the cundeamor plant; but first I will tell you why I am interested in this one. It turns out that my brother began to get many pimples on his face, but they were too horrible, he went to the doctor and it turned out to be acne, he did not even want to leave the house and every day they were like red, with pus one day my aunt came, she knows a lot about the plant because she grew up in the countryside and there is much use of natural medicine. She told my nephew that if he wanted to cure those things he had on his face, there is a plant called cundeamor that is very good for that. So my brother looked for the plant and started with the treatment and after 20 days he had improved a lot. This plant is also called bitter melon. The scientific name is (Momordica charantia).
Las propiedades del cundeamor: Es cicatrizante, antirreumática, antibiótica, antiviral , antidiavetica, insecticida, es eficaz el el proceso de depuración del organismo...
por ende esta planta puede ser utilizada para los siguientes fines:
Regula los niveles de azúcar en la sangre, para así tratar la diabetes.
Ayuda para el tratamiento de problemas en la piel y lesiones.
Alivia picaduras de insecto.
Sirve para el acné, etc.
Aquí les dejo el link [fuente] ((https://www.tuasaude.com/es/cundeamor/))
the properties of cundeamor: It is healing, antirheumatic, antibiotic, antiviral, antiviral, antidiavetica, insecticide, is effective in the process of purification of the body ....
therefore this plant can be used for the following purposes:
It regulates the levels of sugar in the blood, in order to treat diabetes.
Helps in the treatment of skin problems and injuries.
Relieves insect bites.
It is used for acne, etc.
Here is the link [source] ((https://www.tuasaude.com/es/cundeamor/))
Aquí, les voy a dejar unas imágenes, como es, ya que la tengo en el patio de mi casa, para que conozcan esta maravillosa planta.
Cundiamor esta planta es trepadora , sus flores son de un color amarillo claro, sus hojas son orbiculares de color verde oscuro; tallos muy largos y ramificaciones de zarcillo.
Here, I am going to leave you some images, as it is, since I have it in the patio of my house, so that you know this wonderful plant.
Cundiamor is a climbing plant, its flowers are of a light yellow color, its
leaves are dark green orbicular, its stems are very long and its branches are tendrils.

Sus frutos, nacen verde pero al madurar; se ponen de un color naranja muy hermoso.
Its fruits are born green but when ripe, they turn a beautiful orange color.

Al abrir este fruto sus semillas son de color rojo,muy llamativas.
When this fruit is opened, its seeds are red in color, very showy.

Ahora, les voy a preparar la receta para las espinillas o acné ya que por experiencia; al ver a mi hermano curar de esta enfermedad, rápidamente, se las recomiendo.
Lo primero que tenemos que hacer, lavar bien las hojas de cundeamor.
Now, I am going to prepare the recipe for pimples or acne because from experience; seeing my brother cure of this disease, quickly, I recommend it.
The first thing we have to do, wash the leaves of cundeamor well.

Luego machacamos un poco las hojas, para que la sustancia salga mas fácilmente.
Then we crush the leaves a little, so that the substance comes out more easily.

Ahora, en dos litros de agua hervir por un tiempo de 10 minutos.
Now, in two liters of water boil for a time of 10 minutes.

Dejar reposar y colar para que no le queden hojas a la bebida.
Let stand and strain so that no leaves remain in the drink.

Como usar: En las noches, antes de acostarse tomar una tasa de cundiamor, por una semana, luego para seguir el tratamiento espera que pase una semana, luego retomas el tratamiento por otros 7 días . Con esa misma agua de cundeamor, lavarse la parte infectada por 15 días constante, para que vean los resultados; muy eficaz esta planta.
How to use: At night, before going to bed take a cup of cundiamor, for a week, then to continue the treatment wait for a week to pass, then resume treatment for another 7 days. With the same cundeamor water, wash the infected part for 15 days constantly, to see the results; this plant is very effective.

Espero aprovechen esta planta, muy buena que es; hasta un próximo bloc.
I hope you take advantage of this plant, it is very good; see you in a future blog...
I always see this cundeamor plant, it is very abundant in the field, but I did not know that it was useful for acne, I will try to see if it works for me, since I have had acne for a long time, I appreciate your post is very informative and helpful. great help.
Yes, my friend, this plant is very good, I tell you this because my brother and my nephew were cured with cundeamor, and I know it really works, use it with confidence, it is a little bitter but it is good medicine, wash your face constantly and you will see that it will improve, and also take the water as I indicated.