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RE: I finally get why people “fake” them positive vibes

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

For me it's learning to respect boundaries and just engage up to where the other party is willing to share, not poking too much and hitting the wrong sides.
Avocado smoothie is ♥️. I'm now trying to influence my kids to eat avo. So far only successful with the girl.
BTW, what filter did you use on your photo? 😁

 4 years ago (edited) 

I think it's cause I'm so transparent. I don't mind sharing anything...but I don't want to reinforce ideas like "I'm unhealthy" or "I am poor" or "I have some kind of trouble". Usually I'm really ok and just telling someone "That's why I haven't called you". I wish I could do that without inviting people to focus on those things.

I just use instagram to edit photos. It's the most intuitive I've found that I don't have to pay for.